
476 15 184

Basic Rules:
1. Please do not bully each other, unless it's the character doing it to another character.
2. Refrain from *these guys* as much as possible, I do prefer sentences. Though if you don't enjoy them, I'll suffice with yours.
3. No Gary/Mary Sues. No Overpoweredness. No godmodding. You know this drill.
4. Do not instantly begin with my character or what not being with yours (unless it is canon). Liking, it might be a maybe depending on the character.
5. You cannot force my character to do anything, and I cannot force yours to do anything either. This is one of my big pet peeves.
Explanation: if you say 'My character immediately stepped in front of yours and stopped them', please don't. Instead use something like this, 'My character immediately stepped in front of yours in an attempt to stop them'.
6. No bashing on ships. I will do some, I'll admit, but not all.
7. Do not tag me and constantly comment my name if I do not respond, it does get irritating. I have a life and I'm trying to work things into my schedule.
8. I will give warnings/strikes if any of these rules are broken.

Alrighty, form.

Age (if not Cybertronian):
Any abilities:
Alt Mode (If Cybertronain):
Main weapon:
Looks (describe if you can't link an image):
Other: Add anything I missed here.

Tag me, if you have an OC and don't want to use my form!

Please wait until I accept, if you use an OC. Hrm.... yeah, this works. This may get additions later on.

I will be posting a book of my OCs later on.

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