Once Elincia was resting against the wall, Caspian wandered over to the door pressed his ear against it. He couldn't hear anything, but as he strained his ears even more, a sound finally reached him. It was the sound of a door opening. Footsteps soon followed. They got closer. Caspian tried to still his breathing as he continued to listen in, and then the footsteps stopped.

Caspian froze.

Had they sensed him?

Did they know he was there?

As he remained like that, worry whirling around inside of his head, the footsteps moved on, growing softer and softer until they finally disappeared. He sighed in relief.

"Ele?" He turned to the girl. "Think you're up for a little spying?"

Elincia nodded once as she stood up. "Yes, I think I can do that now, though I still won't be able to keep the gate open for more than fifteen minutes."

"That should be enough."

"Loki," Elincia whispered. "Please hide Caspian and I from the sight and senses of everyone here aside from each other."

The moment the words were spoke, Caspian felt like a blanket had been thrown over him. He knew the spell had worked. He could feel it working. However, he was confused when he realized that he could see Elincia.

"Why can I still see you?"

Elincia smiled. "Loki has been teaching me more about his powers. It seems his ability to cast illusions is a lot more varied and versatile than I first imagined. While I could ask him to make us invisible to everyone, I can request that we be visible to each other. Now no one but us can see the other person. I thought it would make spying easier."

"Ah. Good thinking."

Since they were now invisible, Caspian didn't waste any time in opening the door a crack. He peered outside. No one was in the hallway beyond. That was good.

Opening the door further, he walked outside, and then waited until Elincia had followed him before softly shutting the door. Glancing around the empty hallway, Caspian tried to determine which way they should go. That was when he saw the stairs.

"Let's head to the second floor."

Elincia nodded at his suggestion and followed him as he walked up the stairs. He tried to be as quiet as possible, but Elincia informed him that wasn't necessary.

"We've been erased from everyone's senses. That includes sight, sound, and scent. Of course, if someone ran into us, they would feel something. Sadly, I cannot mask touch because we still exist, but so long as we don't accidentally touch someone, we should be fine."

"Ah. Okay."

With that knowledge in hand, Caspian's strides became more confident as he made it up the stairs and into another hallway. Once more, the hall seemed empty. Looking down both sides revealed nothing. Grimacing, Caspian chose a random direction to travel in, and he eventually came upon a door. As he and Elincia moved closer, they heard voices coming from the other side.

"The assassination failed?! How is that even possible?!"

Caspian perked up at the panicked voice, which he recognized as Pertelum.

"We greatly underestimated those sorceresses," a sultry voice said. It was the woman who had attacked them. "They had a rune array located inside of the room. It activated when I used my mana and alerted the elf girl that I was there."

"Damn it!" Pertelum cursed. Caspian heard the sound of footsteps echoing from the other side and realized the man was pacing back and forth. "Damn it! Damn it! Now that our assassination has failed, we can no longer afford to get rid of them. How are we going to deal with this now? What will we tell Lord Oraferrum?"

Arcadia's Ignoble Knight: Dark Elf ArcWhere stories live. Discover now