Chapter 1

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Hero of the wizarding world Harry Potter wins Most Eligible Bachelor for SECOND year running as he prepares for public unveiling of twenty-foot high SOLID GOLD statue in his honour

He's the handsome young wizard who saved the world just two years ago and stole our hearts in the process. And now Harry, 19, is set to take a starring role in this year's anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts – beautifully rebranded as the First International Harry Potter Day – by unveiling an enormous gold statue in his honour.

Harry, sole heir to the Potter fortune, was his characteristically modest self when quizzed by Witch Weekly's top celebrity reporter, jesting that the statue was 'unnecessary'. The thousands of witches who voted for him to keep his Most Eligible Bachelor crown will undoubtedly disagree.

Harry has been single since splitting from rising Quidditch star Ginny Weasley, and we can exclusively reveal that the green-eyed Auror has no plans to settle down right now. Asked if he was looking for love, Harry replied: 'No.' But we know the right girl's out there for him, and if you think you're the one to win our hero's heart, we're informed that he'll be mingling with the guests at the Ministry's star-studded Harry Potter Day party tonight. 'It's my job,' he quipped. And no one could fill out the Auror uniform better in this humble reporter's opinion. We'd go so far as to say that the sight of Harry in his form-fitting robes would almost make it worth getting arrested! Bring on the interrogation, Auror Potter, sir . . .

"Leave me alone!" Harry said into his pillow, trying not to eat cotton. It was annoyingly hard to simultaneously sulk and breathe. "I've decided to never leave the house again, and nothing you can say or do will convince me otherwise."

"I think the green-eyed Auror needs a pep talk," Ron said in tones of great hilarity from the other side of Harry's bedroom door.

"You're just jealous that no one would ever visit Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes hoping to catch a sight of you in your form-fitting robes, Ron," Hermione replied. "No one in their right mind, anyway," she added thoughtfully, and then started giggling, her laughter soon accompanied by the sounds of an epic struggle.

Harry tried to nod fervently in agreement, but he had to add this to his list of things that were difficult to do whilst face-down in your pillow.

"Come on, Harry," Hermione – the clear victor – said when the battle was finally over. Her coaxing tone had an odd, hollow quality, as if she'd bent down to speak through the keyhole. "A handsome young heart-stealing wizard like you shouldn't—"

Harry leapt out of bed in one bound, and fell to the carpet in one equally smooth move, his legs tangled in his robe without hope of extraction. So much for sympathy! He didn't know what Rita Skeeter was playing at, he really didn't. There was no chance in hell she actually fancied him, but ever since he'd won the sodding Most Eligible Bachelor award for the first time, she'd been working herself up to ever-increasing displays of adoration in the media. Yesterday's article, all eight horrendous pages of it, had been the worst one yet. "I hate you both," he told the carpet firmly.

The doorknob rattled, and Harry managed to heave himself to his feet, batting at the front of his robes to knock off the dust. Was that a good excuse to stay at home today? Essential housework? The epic battle between man and dust?

"Come on, Harry—" Hermione repeated, a touch of irritation now in her voice.

"Harry, nineteen," Ron interrupted, with great hilarity.

"—we're going to be late if you carry on messing about like this. You can't be late to your own ceremony!"

"I can," Harry muttered, but he strode over to the door and cast a quick unlocking charm.

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