"Lucas, maybe a break from all of this will be good for Nikolai. I'll look into it right away."

"Thank you Alessandro."

At least someone around here could be counted on to do what they're told.

"He's our brother."

"That is exactly why I'm doing this! It's because he's our brother. He needs to learn that betrayal is not accepted in this family. Loyalty is what matters. He needs to learn this. How else can I protect him? How else can I protect all of you if our own brother can't follow one simple instruction! Nikolai didn't do this to protect Kara or this family. He did it for himself. It was pure selfishness and it will not be tolerated in this family, so either you get on board or exercise your right and freedom to leave. What will it be Lucas?"

He shrugged. "I still don't like the idea but I'll just watch for now."

"As you wish."


Shadow got back to me a few days later with more information than I could ever anticipate. He was always thorough and never gave wrong information, so I never ask him how he gets the information. I didn't want to know. I had forsaken my conscience. That was my burden to bear.

"Start with the good news first."

"They didn't sign a prenup."

"That's indeed good news."

I sat down in my father's chair. I couldn't decide on whether I wanted his office or not. I wasn't even sure I wanted to live here. It's our family home but I'm not so sure it's for me. It's my parents' home.

"So, if Bastian were to die Kara would inherit everything."

"As it stands, yes."

"What if elder Conti dies?"

"That's where it gets a bit tricky."

"I thought it might. That old bastard is no fool."

"He isn't a genius either. Of course everything he owns will go to his son."

"Do you have a list?"

He handed me a folder.

"It's quite extensive," he added."

"I thought it might be."

"If elder Conti dies, junior gets everything. However, they all have to remain under the Conti name."

"That sounds fair, but what happens if there are no Conti's to inherit?"

"It says it has to be under the Conti name, not that the person has to be a Conti by blood."

"Ahh. Therefore if they both die, Kara would get it all."

"As long as there are no relatives with the Conti name, then yes."

"That is a blessing and a curse. I want the Contis wiped from existence. I don't care how you do it, but it must be done."

He nodded in understanding.

"I wasn't going to say anything because it really isn't any of my business, but seeing as I'm able to guess what you're going to do next, this might ruin your plans. If Bastian dies before his father everything will be lost."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It would all go to the government and their reputation would still be intact. Therefore, I think you need to know that Kara plans to kill Bastian and Salvador is helping her."

"What?" I jumped to my feet. "What did you say?"

"Calm down. I'm sure there must be a reason, but you'll have to ask him that yourself."

I paced around the office.

"Call him here. I need to hear his explanation."

Salvador came in a few minutes later. I'd calmed down a bit and was able to address him in a civil manner.

"Explain yourself."

"I was just helping a damsel in distress."

"That's not your decision to make!"

"Then whose is it?"

"What's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"This isn't like you. You do not interfere in people's affairs."

He shrugged but responded anyway. "She needed help."

"She needed help to kill her husband."

"It's not like it would have been a great loss."

"Don't meet her again. Kara killing that bastard isn't part of the plan. Bastian Conti will die by my hands and by my hands alone."

"Noted. However, I doubt there is anything you can do. I already gave her the poison."

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.


"I'll take care of it," he said before disappearing.


"It's not safe for her in that house."

"He hasn't done anything to her. I would have known."

"He hasn't, but that doesn't mean he won't. It's not my place Talon."

"What isn't your place? What aren't you telling me? Why is it so important to get rid of him right now?"

"It's important because if he finds out she's pregnant, he'll kill her without remorse. She's pregnant with your child and the minute that bastard finds out, she'll be dead. She'd already made up her mind before I got there. I was just helping her do it cleanly."

"How? How can she be pregnant?"

"All I know is that when I met her she was terrified, and from what I saw and overheard, there is no way that child is his. They haven't slept together and she's about three or four months along."

I sank into the chair feeling defeated.

"I would offer my congratulations but I see that you need a minute to take it all in."

Salvador left after that. Can I believe him? Is what he said true? Is Kara really pregnant with my child? Why didn't she tell me? Why go through this alone? Why? I needed answers. I needed to know. I won't feel satisfied until I do.

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