18•Protective Over Your Bump

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"And what are you doing sweetheart?" Jimin demanded.
"I wanted those cookies." You pointed. "Pre pregnant me could reach them, but pregnant me, I can't reach them because of this."
"Get down. And I will grab your cookies."
Using Jimin's hand as stability you step down off the step stool.
You wait as Jimin reached the cookies. And thanking him when the cookies were securely in your hands "Thank you!"
"Why were you up there?"
"I wanted cookies." You shake the cookie bag.
"You could have fallen. You could have gotten hurt, something could happen to these two."
"I was a foot off the ground Jimin." You comment, then laughed.
Jimin does not laugh "I do not think the chance of my wife and my boys getting hurt is funny."
"You are protective Jiminie, I have been caring for those two babies, I would never put harm on these two."
Jimin exhales "I know that you would never purposely hurt our children. I am getting worried, your belly has grown. We are so close to meeting them, my anxiety is ruling my life at the moment. Please do forgive me."
"It's enduring. Seeing how protective you get over me Jiminnie." You put your hands on his shoulders "Of course I am protective over you. It is my job, not only as your husband, but now, as an Appa." Jimin moved his hands to your waist "And I take both jobs ridiculously serious. You could call me overbearing even."
"Not me, I ravish with the idea of you spoiling over me." Jimin leans forward to kiss you on your lips, which you accept.
After the kiss Jimin says "And I will, just please promise me that you will ask for my help sweetheart. Even if it's a foot off the ground."
"I will, I will." You vow.
Jimin kisses you again.
"Now, let's get back in bed while you enjoy your cookies yeah?"
"Let's go!"

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