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Kook did not run for Taehyung. He just cried there. Lisa still watching him. She Don't know what to do. She don't have the urge to talk or even touch Jungkook. She's scared of Kook's behavioiur because he didn't saw Jungkook like this.

After crying a couple of minutes and seeing Taehyung leave, Jungkook shouted like a psycho. His emotions are making him crazy. He kicked and destroyed all the drums and trash bins that he saw in the alleyway.


I'm scared now. Jungkook is now horrible. I want to stop him but I'm terrified because he may hit me.

I still watch him destroying what he see everywhere. Until he can't see anything to wreck. He stopped, then walked in front of me then look at me with killing eyes. I got goosebumps. I clutch the hem of my oversized shirt while I'm looking at him with wide eyes.

"Are you happy now? You got what you want right? What will you do now? Huh? TELL ME! ARE YOU GONNA GET ME NOW? ARE YOU HAPPY HUH! GO GET ME NOW!" He asked and shouted right in front of my face. I just looked down and sobbed. He's scarying me.

Suddenly, he pulled me holding my wrist and we got out from the dark alleyway. He dragged me on streets going to the direction of my house.

"K-kook what are you doing?" I asked that caused him to stop dragging me and faced me.

"I thought you want this? I'm allowing you now. I didn't follow Tae you see?" He asked me with anger. I just stood there silently. After not hearing any answers, Kook just walked away, continuing his way to my house.

"H-hey stop!" I shouted at him and he faced me again.

"What?" He responded.

"N-no. I d-don't want this now." I said while looking down and fidgeting my fingers.

"What the fuck Lisa?!" Jungkook spatted again, anger rising more.

I don't want him to force his feelings for me. I don't know what's with me this time but I want Jungkook to be happy. I saw in their eyes earlier that they're deeply in love. But what's with Jungkook? Why did he let Tae go?

"You are not happy. You're hurt. I know it. You love Tae. I'm sorry." I answered to him.

"You know what, you are bullshit. Did you really just came back to ruin my life? Our lives? Then yeah, it's done. Are you contented!?" He scolded me non-stop and he's on the verge of crying again.

This is all my fault.

Jungkook shed a tear again, looking at me angry. I think he wants to choke me with his hands until I'm out of breath and dead.

"Y-you're unbelievable." He said clutching his fist.

I just let him cry because I can't believe what I've done. I love him, but he's now suffering too much because of me.

I kneeled in front of him and bowed until my head reach the ground. I want to beg for appology.

"Jungkook, I'm very sorry. I thought this would be good. P-please forgive me." I plead to him.

Silence filled our atmosphere so I looked up to him.

He's just staring at me blankly.

"Just leave me alone, that will be alright. Don't apologize I think I won't forgive you." He said harshly to me and walked away.

And here I am on the ground, still sobbing.


I went straight to the bar after my talk with Lisa. I want to release my stress so here my mind brought me.

I immediately sat on the bar counter ordering a drink. After a few shots, I got drunk. I was crying. I though I will forget in a short period of time my problems but no, I'm whining and crying like shit because of what happened earlier.

I was talking to the bartender since I'm quiet regular here before and I know him. He just listened to me while I'm blabbering.

"You know what, you better go home now and talk to your boyfriend so that you will still fix this mess. Instead of sulking here. You're already fucking drunk!" He scolded me and I just chuckled, lazy to answer him because I'm already dizzy.

"Shocks, I'll just bring you to the taxi. Please tell your address to the driver when we go there and when you arrive your home talk to Tae okay, you can do it you can still walk tho." He talked to me and I just nodded.

He brought me to the taxi and I said the address. The bartender just paid the driver. I'll just pay next time.

When I arrived at home, I was about to go to Tae's and my room but my world is spinning so I just slept on the sofa.


Little did he know, he wouldn't see his lover tommorrow when he wake up because Tae is gone.



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