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Jungkook? I felt humilated. I'm annoyed as fuck while still sitting in front of the mirror inside our room. I removed my bathrobe which I wore again but I didn't mention and fixed myself again. Okay let's fucking kill this asshole.

"Hey hyung, we're the next, hurry let's go backstage." One of the members called me and I followed him going with our members. They're looking at me and I just eyed them one by one then they looked away.

"Hey Tae, goodluck! Do good huh!" Our leader cheered me.

"Of course hyung! I told him while smiling like an angel but a complete demon. My mind was mumbling like 'Especially after what that brat did earlier? Does he think I'm weak? Fuck him.'

"Yes that's the spirit gurl!" He shouted then smacked my ass. It fucking hurts so I kicked his foot so he ouched and I just rolled my eyes.

The host started introducing our group and I looked for Kookie. I saw him watching at the right side near the front with his partner earlier. What an audicity.

"Let the show begin." I whispered to myself while smirking.


Hyung's group started to perform and I was looking for him but I can't find him again. Seriously what's happening to this guy and why isn't he there?

"Hey, do you have an idea where is Taehyung hyung? Is he there?" I asked my co-member who's beside me. Making sure that he's not really there maybe my eye tricked me.

"Uh, ow! Why is he not there? Ow you're right he's not there? I don't know where is he?!" He answered to me and I confirmed I am right.

I roamed my eyes around the crowd but he's not here also.

I didn't focus on the performance now since there's no Taehyung there. I just continued searching for him when suddenly the crowd loudens.

There are plenty of whistles and male shouts that broke my ear! Just what the fuck is happening.

"FUCK DID THEY ACCEPTED A NEW MEMBER? SHE'S FUCKING HOT OWMAYGAHHD!" I heard others gossiping and I got curious. I even heard someone shouting "HEY BABE MARRY ME!" Is that new member really hot?

Because of curiosity I just watched again and I saw what's happening on stage. My jaw dropped because of what I was seeing now.

"Oooooooooh who's that! Yeah she's so fucking gorgeous! They didn't tell me they have a new member! Even Taetae hyung didn't mentioned her to me." I talked to myself while watching.

But wait, she's familiar.

I thought a couple of seconds while watching her doing heavenly sexiest dance steps that gave me a boner and I looked carefully on her face.



"HEY JUNGKOOK IT'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!" One of our members shouted at me and pat my back.

"YOU'RE VERY LUCKY BRO! I ENVY YOU! YOW MAN!" Another member shouted then ruffled my hair.

And what they said answered my question.

I came back to my thoughts and I nearly fainted because of what my hyung did.

Taetae hyung eyed me while licking his lips then blowed a flying kiss to me then winked then walked back to the center to dance again.

"Fuck hyung." I felt my knees trembled.


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