Chapter 36: The Wedding! part 1

Start from the beginning

"Who says I'm joking." I say under my breath, and roll my eyes. Roman almost chokes on his food.

"Sis, be nice." Levi gives me a you know better look.

I go to say 'at least I'm not talking about demons' but decide I shouldn't. My mawmaw hates anything that has to do with demons, scary movies, hell, because she says it invites them in. I close my mouth, and go back to eating.

"Who cooks here, this is delicious!" My mom asks.

"Well thank you. I try." Maria walks in. Since I have been living here the servants, kitchen staff, and on duty guards eat with us. I told Roman if we are to help each other, and work together we need to eat together too. He argued about it, but I won when I told him that I would eat in the kitchen with them.

"D! Is this your family?!" Bella comes running in.

"Yes Bella" she eyes Andrew who has been unusually quiet. I shoot him a wink. His eyes go wide, when he lays eyes on Bella. She has her hair pulled up in a ponytail, no makeup, shorts, converse, and a plain tshirt on.

"Bella, this is Levi, CJ and his wife Beatrice, my mom Mindy, my dad Scott, my mawmaw and pawpaw, and that's my brother Andrew. Everyone this is Isabella." They say hi, some nod.

After breakfast, the Bella, me, my mom, mawmaw, and Amelia left to go get mani/pedis. We came, so far no one is fighting. Bella asked me about Andrew. I'm know Bella and Andrew would get along. Yet, Andrew is closed off like me, and I don't know if he will let Bella even be his friend.

"Sis, your game room is amazing!" Andrew ran into the foyer when we walked in the door. I smiled at him.

"Bella, would you like to show Andrew around before we have to get ready.

"Nah, that's okay. I have already been poking around." Andrew dismisses my statement. I smack the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Andrew rubs the back of his head.

"I asked Bella not you." Bella giggles.

"Bella?" She nods, and Andrew reluctantly follows, giving me a disgusting look and shaking his fist. I shake my head.

"I want to see your dress!" My mother follows me into my room.

"Okay, fine, but them I'm going to the gym for a bit." She rolls her eyes and sighs.

I pull my dress out of the hidden place in the closet.

"Its beautiful! You designed it?" I just nod.

I go back in the closet, and change into gym clothes. I look at my mom, and she has tears in her eyes. I give her a puzzled look

"Its just, you are finally getting everything you deserve. You have your big house, a man who loves you, with parents who love you. You are getting a sister who adores you. You are healthy, even with all the tattoos I don't like. You are working out again. I never thought I would see this day." I hug my mom. She hugs me back.

"Me either" I whisper back.

"Sorry, to break up this moment, but Diamond you ready?" Alex is leaning against my door.

"Mom, this is Alex, my friend and personal guard." My mom says hi.

"How are you always surrounded by gorgeous men?" Alex and I laugh. I then sigh and say bye to my mom.

"Are we seriously sparring on my wedding day?" I ask Alex, he shakes his head.

"I want you to teach me how to do all the gymnastic things." I smirk.

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