Chapter V ~ Where the Moon Meets the Ocean

Start from the beginning

Jirou nodded, hoping to get up and make some, but Hagakure was still persistent. By the way she huffed, folding her arms over her chest (evidently so based on the way her clothing wrinkled), it was clear she wasn't backing down.

"Exactly, Mina, you're a genius! It's Saturday, so why don't we talk about romance like we always do? Why is it that when we bring up your own love life, you avoid the question?"

Mina was starting to get fed up with how pushy she was being, but she masked it with a little smile and some sarcasm. "Because I don't have one. I'm sorry, but it's literally that simple."

"Fine. But just because you don't like someone doesn't mean there isn't someone who likes you. I still think Kirishima's got a thing for you."

"He doesn't, okay? I'm being serious."

"So, then... what do you think about Bakugo?"

"I mean, he's good-looking, sure, but he's got a bad attitude."

Hagakure was getting antsy, as she was just now realizing that most of Mina's friends were boys. "How about Kaminari?" she asked.

"He's a bit of a perv, and if he liked me, I think he'd be pretty vocal about it."


"Definitely not. He doesn't stand out at all."

"Then... Midoriya?"

Mina's eyes traveled to the ground, hoping to say something in denial, but she wasn't sure she could wipe the scowl off her face in time to look up without giving away her anger. Her shoulders were tense and her palms were sweatier than usual, and she was this close to popping off because now Hagakure was throwing out the names of whoever she could think of, whether or not they were a viable option. And she'd even stooped low enough to throw out Izuku's name. Something about that pissed Mina off, and she couldn't exactly say why. "Why does his name pop up everywhere? I just... don't like him, okay? Of course I don't, he basically has a girlfriend."

Jirou had been watching her friends fight for a while now, and it was time for her to speak up. "Guys."

She was ignored, her existence unacknowledged. Like she hadn't even heard her, Hagakure said, "Well, I mean, you two have been such good friends lately that people can't help but assume things."

Mina desperately wanted to change the topic, because her face was getting increasingly hotter and she was starting to get anxious. Something about this whole conversation made her feel open, exposed, like she was going to crack under the pressure. But she wouldn't allow herself to. She had put up a fence, and she wasn't going to let Hagakure break through it. "Well then tell them they're wrong, because I don't like him."


"Then you've gotta like Kirishima. C'mon, Mina, you can admit he's a little cute, right?" Hagakure asked.

"Toru, I don't like him like that. I do not like Kirishima, and I don't think he's cute. At all!"

"Okay, look. Sorry for being so pushy about it. It's just hard for me to wrap my head around, y'know? You two are just such good friends that I—"

Mina, finally pushed past her limit, made this big deal of throwing her hands in the air. "Alrighty, then! End of conversation. I don't like anyone right now. Period. That's it! That's all there is to it."


Everyone froze, eyes wide at the shear volume of her voice. Mina snapped her head around to see a very frustrated-looking Jirou and a pair of slippers beside her. Her eyes wandered upward to meet Uraraka's, standing over the three of them as she placed her hands on her hips. Oh, god, how long had she been standing there?

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