Part 1 - Wedding day

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8th of june, the day I've been waiting, or more like the day my best friend have been waiting, it is her wedding day, and of course I am feeling all sorts of emotions, I never expected that she'll marry so soon, I thought we are still going to travel the world together, and all the plans we made in college are now impossible to achieve, but believe me, I am extremely happy for her, I know the guy she's gonna marry and I know that he is a great person, its just that my selfish persona feels a bit sad that Im losing my best friend today, okay, maybe not really lose, but I know its gonna be different from this day onwards, but she found the one and she deserves to be happy, so I am all for that.

Kayla, the bride, my bestfriend, requested us to come early in the venue so we can still have some time to catch up and of course, to support her, so me and our 2 other friends, lyn and charie together with their boyfriends, jay and rob went a little earlier in the place, oh yes, thats right, I am the only single one in our group.

There, we saw her parents, other family members and it just feels like family, I am always delighted to see them, her mom is the sweetest and I love her as much as kayla.

We went up to her room to greet her, I was almost in the verge of tearing up when I saw her in her bridal robe, but I didnt wanna ruin the mood so I just saved it. After some catching up, she told us that we can occupy the room downstairs but we have to share it with dale's friends, dale is the groom and we've also been friends with him for some time, but for some reason we have never met any of his other friends.

While waiting for our turn to get glammed up, lyn, charie and I just chilled by the pool and talked...

"I am so happy I know my partner, at least I can feel at ease while walking in the aisle." Charie said while clapping her hands.

"Yeah, me too, I felt relieved that I know mine too, since we only know few people here." Lyn nodded and smiled.

"Uhm, excuse me but I have no idea who's my partner, that kayla just kept telling me he is an engineer and he is one of dale's bestfriends." I sighed.

"Yeah, and she also didn't gave us any invitation cards so we dont know even his name." Lyn added.

I just shaked my head and ignore the fact that I will be walking in the aisle with a complete stranger later.

The time has come for us to get to hair and make up, all 3 of us went upstairs, and after around 2 hours, we finished and got to change in our teal flowy long gowns. Kayla also finished changing and we went to see her, she was wearing her wedding gown, she looked like a princess, she was stunning.

The photographer asked us to pose for the photos and videos, that took around 45 minutes, after that, we went down back to the room, and we were a bit surprised that the room was filled with lots of people we have never met, I guess they're dale's friends, but since we were rushing, we didn't have anytime to say hi and actually look at their faces, we grabbed our stuff and went out to ride the van that will bring us to the church.

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