Sides {Hamilsquad x Reader}

Start from the beginning

I looked back at them, standing up straight. "Thanks guys." With that, I turned and left the kitchen, deciding to go to Logan's room.

"Merde," Laf muttered.

Roman looked at him, raising an eyebrow before chuckling and going back to measuring ingredients.

~ the next day (sorry guys I wanted to write abt Logan but we gotta keep movin-) ~

I sat on my bed, scrolling through my Instagram and thinking. I was still torn between which relationship I wanted to be apart of. Both had each special person (even Logan, who wasn't too fond of emotions, but was getting there).

As I scrolled through looking at pictures, I didn't realize my mind was slowly shifting to a decision before I suddenly paused my scrolling.

I loved the 'Sides'. Roman, Patton, Virgil, and Logan. But something about the four of them seemed perfect already. They were already complete; they complimented each other.

Exiting out of Instagram, I went to the group chat I had with the "Hamilsquad". It was now or never I guess; I couldn't wait to tell them.

(N/N): Hey guys!

Herc: Hey (Y/N)! What's up?

(N/N): Not much! I just had something important to tell you four..?

Alex: Oh? What is it?

(N/N): Well... try not to think of me any differently if this goes south

Johnny: Why would we think of you any differently? There's no need to worry (Y/N)

(N/N): and this is why you and Patton get along so well...

(N/N): Anyways!

(N/N): This is really random but... I wanted to let you guys know I liked you guys.. like more than friends. I couldn't wait to do it until we met up in person again so I just did it now. So yeah, I... love you guys


"Y'know, we were going to be hanging out today; you could've waited one day."

"Well excuse you. One, I'm impatient, and two, I didn't even know we'd be hanging out today until this morning."

I was at the guys' house, leaning against Alex as he failed against John in Mario Kart.

"Besides, be lucky I love you," I teased, watching Alex finally start to catch up to John.

Herc chuckled, typing something on his laptop. "Oh believe me, we're lucky."

I rolled my eyes, watching Alex cheer as he threw a blue shell. Poor John all the way in first place. "You're gonna make me blush or something.."

"Good. In that case,— f*ckin' blue shell... we'll keep saying things until you blush," John responded.

I was about to reply when I heard footsteps walk into the room, turning in my spot to see Laf. "You live! Do you need help in the kitchen, lover boy?"

Laf chuckled. "I just came to see what could possibly be 'appening in 'ere. But 'elp would be nice, merci."

With that, I stood up, making Alex pout. "You're my good luck charm! Don't leave!"

"Figure it out, Lexi! Just don't place twelfth!" I called as I left the room.

While helping Laf in the kitchen, I wondered how often things would be as nice as they were right now. What I'd do for it to always stay like this.

"No way!"



lol what happened at the end there who won mario kart y'all may never know. I also fell asleep at like 3:30-4 AM and woke up like four hours later just to pull this up to finish-

anyways, I hope I did a good job with this request, and sorry if it came out after a while!

I hope the rest of you like it as well and I'll cya next time!

~ Galaxy

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