CHAPTER 29 Spit it Out

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"Naw, brother...I'm good, Court. You know I'm not a fan of racquetball! I don't even know why you calling me with that." Dirk opened the fridge looking for water and discovered none. 

Not one bottle. He caught sight of the case he'd picked up a week ago. It was still on the floor in the corner, unopened. He wondered if she could really be that petty.

It took ten minutes of cohesion peppered with a touch of guilt for Dirk to finally relent.

"Two games," was the most he begrudgingly agreed to. "That's it."

A few hours later, Courtney and Dirk were in a game, and Courtney was effortlessly destroying him.

"That's it, Court. Two games. That's all I agreed to, bro." Dirk had already turned and started heading off the court.

"Alright, alright. Thanks for indulging me." Heading towards the locker room, Courtney threw out the bait.

"What's up with you and Lisa? Things good?"

"Man, it's pretty much the same. I keep trying to think of a way to get us at least communicating again."

"Oh, okay. Hey, I know what I wanted to ask you. Have you and Lisa ever thought about moving out of Chicago? Maybe get like, a fresh start?"

"Nah, I already made it clear to Lisa; I have no interest in leaving Chicago. My mother's here, all my friends, not to mention Chicago's thriving. Why move?"

"So, Lisa feels the same way? I'm saying she doesn't want to relocate?" Courtney asked, digging deep to come across as nonchalant as he could. He pulled the lock off of his locker and slid the door open.

"As far as I know. We talked about it a few years ago, but I made it pretty clear I didn't see myself leaving Chicago right now. She never brought it up again." Dirk still seemed both oblivious and unconcerned. Time to turn it up a bit.

"Hmm..." Courtney allowed his slight murmuring time and space to fill the air, and it became apparent that Dirk finally seemed to take notice.

"What's with the twenty questions, Court? You got something you wanna tell me, man?"

"Nope. I was just trying to see if you guys ever talked about it. You know, future wise. Probably not, since like you said, you guys aren't exactly communicating right now."

"Alright, Court. Spit it out, man. What's the deal? You heard Lisa's talking about moving?"

"Dude, I'm just askin' a few questions. Lighten up," he said, all the while avoiding a response. Courtney slung his Nike bag over his shoulder and headed out of the locker room with Dirk lagging behind. His wheels appeared to be turning at last. Mission accomplished. 

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