Once I began, I didn't look to the sides to check that the others were doing what they were supposed to do, I trusted they were and if they weren't, there was nothing I could do. It wasn't a short sprint to the trees and after a couple minutes my breathing became labored, my nose and throat burning from the cold air even as a sweat beaded across my brow.

The trees were closer though. I was almost there.

As I got closer to the edge of the forest, I became aware of the figure standing before it.

The Morri was a little to my left and I thought he was facing the forest, but I couldn't be sure; either way, I didn't think I could get by him unnoticed. I realized that was even less likely as I became aware of others stationed to his right and left.


As if he could sense me, the Morri closest to me turned around and I slid down to the ground, several yards away from him, hoping the grass was enough to hide me. From where I was in the dirt, I could see him still, scanning the area. I couldn't make out his face or the color of his eyes, but I knew they were on me.

After a long moment, he continued the scan but I didn't move.

Not until he turned around and was once again facing the forest.

It felt like a trap, I knew he had seen me. But with his attention back on the forest, I knew I had to move. The only other option was to lie there in the grass and dirt until the sun rose and I had nothing left to hide myself. I had to move. I started inching forward still flat on my stomach. I was trying to move as slowly as I could to go unnoticed, but that plan vanished quickly. The moment I heard one of the girls to my right cry out, I stopped being so careful and moved. Staying as low to ground as I could I focused only on moving forward. I refused to look to my right or left, refused to check and see who had cried out or if anyone had been caught.

It was wrong, but there was nothing anyone could do. The crafts had weapons, the Morri blocking our paths to the forest had weapons. We had not accounted for anyone to be stationed on the ground...not that knowing they were there would have done us any good. Our only option was the Voara.

The dirt to my right exploded at shoulder level, the only warning I had that I'd been seen by someone. The shot was followed by the Morri who'd shot at me cursing loudly. A shocked laugh bubbled out of me as I realized how close I'd been to dead. Seeing no reason for subtly any longer, I pushed to my feet and sprinted the final final distance.

I was quick, quicker than they expected, which worked to my favor because shots hit the ground behind me. Too focused on avoiding the bullets flying toward me, I hadn't noticed the Morri that had been closest to me move. He grabbed my arm throwing me to the ground before I had time to react to his sudden presence.

The air was so forcefully expelled from my lungs as my back hit the ground that I couldn't even cough. I gasped for breath for a second, my eyes wide as the Morri who'd put me on the ground leaned over me. My hands came up defensively. Despite the disadvantageous situation I was in, I would not just let them kill me. I was in the trees. I was almost there.

He was just watching me though, he didn't even have a weapon pointed at me. I sat up slowly, scooting further back as I did.

"You would run into the forest?" his voice surprised me. "Do you know of the creatures living within the trees?"

"I hear the city is no safer for humans."

He chuckled and it set me further on edge. I wished I could see his expression, his eyes, to better gauge how dangerous he was. "You hear correct."

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked as I slowly stood to my feet, putting more distance between us and hoping he would not notice.

The Morri gave a shrug that was exaggerated by the bulky armor he wore.

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