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I decided to go down to see Alfie and have lunch with him. We needed a proper catch up. I had a shower, and put on my favorite grey and black striped jumper. I pulled on my black jeans and my Chelsea boots. I looked in the mirror, looking then at the small cosmetics bag in the corner. I wavered a little.

What if people made fun of me?

I shook my head, taking the small bag and unzipping it. I took a subtle lip gloss, putting it on. I put on a tiny bit of skin shimmer, smiling with satisfaction as i sprayed a sweet perfume. I shaped my brows a little bit, humming to myself.

Who cares?

I put on my coat, polishing my glasses.  I was walking go the door, when Alexander said my name.

"Elliott, come here for a minute." I did as i was told. "You're going out?"

"Yes. I-I'll be careful, though."

"You promise me?"

"I promise." I blushed a little.

"And if you see Michael and he tries to talk to you, then you come and notify me. Am i clear?"

"Crystal." I nodded.

"Good." He smiled. I walked down to the pub, a smile on my face.

"Hey, Alfie!" I grinned, sitting down.

"Hi, Elliott!" He smirked, handing a beverage to another customer. He leant on the bar, leaning towards me.

"You free? I was thing of having lunch. Want to join?"

"Well, i could take a little break..." He paused, turning to his colleague. "Can you handle the place for a bit, kid?" He patted him on the shoulder.

"Should be able to."

"There's my good lad. Make me proud, son." He smiled at him, hanging up his apron and walking out with me. "So, what's all this about? How'd it go with Michael?" I winced at his name.

"Not good." I groaned. "I changed my mind, and he wouldn't listen."

"What, about..." He gestured, and i nodded. "Oh, man. That's bad."

"Yeah. And it turns out, he's Alexander's cousin."


"Yeah, that's my employer, Mister St Clement's first name."

"So he told you." He smirked. "Getting personal, huh."

"Don't go there." I laughed. "So basically Alexander and Michael had a massive argument, and now Alexander's gotten all protective over me. Like before i left the house just now, he told me to be streetwise, like how my mum used to speak to me when I was young."

"Sounds like you're his little crown jewel." He winked as we went into a café.

"Don't be ridiculous. He'd never like me back." I ordered a milky coffee.

"That's exactly what my sister, Eliza said when she went to ask her crush out. Turned out they liked her back, and they just got engaged last summer."

"But that's them!"

"She was just as shy as you. It was her first time asking someone out, she was terrified."

"Well... Well..." I tapped my knee nervously. "She isn't gay!" I said it a little too loudly, and a few people stared.

"Well guess what, smartass. She is."


"What did i tell you? Get your ass in gear! Ask him about it!"

"I..." I rubbed my head, groaning. "Why'd you always gotta be right all the time?! Bloody hell."

"It's my job. Josh hates me for it." He sighed, taking a sip of his Cappuccino. "He's got a girlfriend, now. He's hardly home, he's going off to university soon."

"Don't put it like that. He'll visit."

"Yeah, but... He's really all I've got. Apart from you, but you're working."

"Hey. Listen. I can't guarantee anything, but maybe on Sundays, i could help out a bit." I took a sip of the coffee. " Not bad, but it could be better. better"

"Maybe you could make everyone coffee."

"Maybe, yeah." I was interrupted by Alfie's phone buzzing. He looked at it, and chuckled. "I'd best be getting back. The boy's getting a bit overwhelmed."

"Alright. Thanks for the chat." I smiled.

"Anytime. Now, go and talk to Alexander." He pat me on the back, leaving a five pound note on the table. "My treat."


I walked home slowly, thinking about what I was going to say. I opened the door, and saw him sitting at his piano, composing a peice. I took my coat and shoes off, taking them upstairs.

"Elliott?" He called as i tucked my boots away. I went downstairs, nearly slipping becuase of my socks. "Did you have any problems?" He took his glasses off, setting the paper he was looking at aside. His body had now turned towards me, his full attention given to me.

"No. It was all fine."

"Wonderful." He seemed relieved.

"Ah, Alexander, could I ask you something?" I looked down at my hands, fiddling with my sleeves.

"What did i say about questions?"

"I know, but this one's important."

"Go ahead." He cleared his throat a little.

"I've noticed you've been very protective over me recently."

"Well, any sane person would be after what happened, or what nearly happened, to you."

"Yes, but that was nearly a week ago, and there's nothing to protect me from if I've been here ninety percent of the time."

"Just a natural instinct." He shrugged. I saw the smallest tickle of a blush on his cheeks.

"But Alexander... I was thinking..." I paused, sucking in a breath. "What's the real reason why you've suddenly taken a shine to me?"

"Well. Elliott, you couldn't have said it any other way. I must admit, I have been feeling more protective over you. I just... I don't want you getting hurt. And i know exactly what Michael's like. He'll try again and again until he gets what he wants. I don't want you to become a victim of his manipulative nature. " I swallowed, knowing the next sentence that came from my mouth was make or break. It's make or break time, Alexander.

" Alexander... Do you like me? " I held my breath.

" You said only one question. " He chuckled.

" I'm serious. " I could hear my heart in my ears, my blood rushing though my body. I saw that slight blush turn into a massive one. He bit his lip subtlety, then stood. I realised very quickly how much taller he was than me. About three inches taller. He walked over to me, and my chest felt like it was about to explode. "Does this answer your question?" He pulled me towards him swiftly, pushing his lips towards mine. I was blushing so hard i was scared i was going to get a nosebleed. He kissed me amorously. I kissed back softly. We pulled back, and i tried not to start heaving. The lack of oxygen was catching up with me. I smiled at him, his fingers intertwining themselves with mine.


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