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I sat in my office, rubbing my temples and groaning. All this paperwork's giving me a headache. I put aside the seemingly mountainous pile, a brown envelope slipping to the ground. This was the document i never wanted to see. My hands shook, wether from the stress they've been through, signing paper after paper, or that this single, A4 document that they were holding, was the end of my lifelong dream. Most likley, both.

I didn't even open it. "Concerning your business" was enough to tell me I've not been paying significant rent. Well, me saying I hadn't been was enough. I sighed, slamming my head down on the table. I stayed like that for a while, then looked back up. It was nearly closing time. I walked out from my office, my employees, soon to be made redundant, were looking at me with great concern. I sighed, throwing myself down onto a stool.

"El, what's wrong?" Asked Michael.

"I..." I took a deep breath, swallowing. "I'm going to have to close the shop. I can't keep up with the rapidly increasing rent. We're not earning enough money."

"Wasn't this your dream?"

"It was, but i can't control those stingy landlords." I sighed, twirling the door keys on my still shaky fingers.

"Is there anything we could do?"

"I doubt it. They'd probably want us out by the end of the week."

"That's tomorrow!" I sighed again. Then, the spark of an idea came to me.

"We might not be able to save the café, but we can make sure people remember it! Let's make tomorrow the best day we've had. Free coffee for everyone! And after that, we can all pop down the pub, drinks on me!" There was a collective cheer.

The last day was one of our best, and I had a flicker of hope that we would earn enough money, as people sent money as pity. It wasn't enough, however, and i ended up almost in tears as i counted up the last of the money. I payed everyone equally, not leaving much for myself, but that was usually the case. A tear slipped down my cheek as i packed up my desk. I froze, seeing my best manager mug. I choked out a sob, quickly putting it into my rucksack. I blinked away the tears, clearing my throat as i gave the place one last look before shutting up.

"Well, lads, that's it." My voice cracked as i turned the key for the final time, remembering when it was the first. I felt a pat on my back, as Michael smirked at me whilst everyone else was bumbling down towards the pub, thirsty for another pint to accompany the ones they drank from under the counters.

"It's alright, El." He pulled me into a hug, slinging his arm over my shoulder, and walking me down to the bar. By the time we got there, I was feeling a bit better. I plastered a smile on my face, going in and ordering a round of beers for ten people. Man, my wallet's gonna be dry for a while.

The night was all a bit of a blur to me, because I'd gotten shit-faced before anything had actually happened. I remember getting on a table, my tie wrapped around my head like a ninja, and we were all yelling dancing queen as i tapped my toes on the deck. I think I kissed someone. I can't remember who the fuck they were for the life of me. Actually, I think it was Michael. No. Daniel. Ah, it dosent matter.

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. I remember that alright.

Butler ~COMPLETED~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora