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I hadn't done anything in days. I'd been looking for new jobs, but nothing suitable had come up. I sighed to myself as I sat up in bed, stretching. I wasn't greeted with a killer migraine. Another night of drinking. I'm afraid I'm slowly turning into an alcoholic. But at the same time, it's the only thing i can turn to. Everyone else has gotten at least a part time job. It's like they've all abandoned me. Even Michael's stopped talking. It's like they're all ignoring me. I huffed, rubbing my bloodshot eyes. I winced as the sun shone directly into them.

Another day of searching. Or drinking.


I scrolled on my laptop, the infinite applications boring on my brain. I sighed, glancing at the door, craving for some beer. It was then, an ad popped up.

"A... Butler?" I squinted in disbelief, adjusting my glasses. The mansion a little way away from the library. Apparently, they needed a new butler because the other one had resigned. I considered it, but then backed away from the idea. "Too formal." I grumbled, slamming the screen shut and pushing it aside. "Who'd want an alcoholic like me to be a butler?"

I tugged on my coat, facing the cold walk down to the pub. I sat on a stool, tapping for a Jack Daniels. The bartender, Alfie, had become kind of a friend to me. He handed me a drink, then slipped a job application form. It was the same ad i'd seen on my laptop. I had to blink a few times, then shook my head.

"look, man." I groaned, popping open the bottle. "I'll go for anything but this. I'll work at the corner shop, Tesco. Even here! Anywhere but that mansion." I pointed at the towering house on the hill in the distance.

"What've you got against him?"


"Yeah. He lives alone. For some reason, ladies don't like a successful pianist." There was an awkward silence.

"Could be gay." I mumbled.

"In your dreams. You don't even know his name!"

"More of a reason why not to work for him. Especially a butler. I'm turning into an alchoholic here! That's a hole you can't get out of easily. "

"Fuck off with your excuses!" He shoved my shoulder. I rubbed my temples, downing half the bottle. As if on cue, a black range rover stopped infront of the pub, with the windows down. I glanced, and couldn't even draw me eyes away. He had dark skin, smooth, long, black hair, and vibrant green eyes. I choked on my drink, it dribbling down my chin. He looked at me, and even though he saw me gawping, i didn't redraw my sights. He gave a snide, typical posh boy smile, and the 4x4 drove by, not for me to admire for any longer. "You see my point?"

"Uh-huh." I stared at the table, ever so slightly drooling.

"You like that guy, don't you?" I blushed bright red.

"H-he might not even be the guy who owns the mansion-"

"Oh, shut up! Of course he is! Who else is rich enough to afford a range rover in this town? I've seen that car around here anyway, so it definitletly is him."

"Of course! The posh boy! The man who's way out of my league!" I slammed my head down.

"Exactly. That's why you need to get this job if you want a chance!" I groaned, knowing he was right. "C'mon ,man! It's been nearly a month since your place got shut down! You gotta wake up and realise it's all over!"

"You're kinda right." I pushed my bottle away, taking myself away from the destructive yet comforting beer I've been living on for what feels like years.

"Maybe go there and ask about it tomorrow."


"Yeah, C'mon man! whilst you still have determination!"


"My god, you are a lost cause, ain't you?" I reached for my drink again, but he snatched it away. I sighed. "Please. Elliott, it's working for a guy you find hot, or become a full time, lazy ass bastard who has a house full of empty smashed bottles and smells of dead rats. Which's it gonna be?"

"Ew, that's gross, man!"

"Well, get your ass in gear!" He slapped my back. I smiled, feeling a light inside me flicker on. "That's my boy!"

"Thanks. I needed that." I stood.

"Tomorrow, you're going to that mansion, and you're asking for that job!" He laughed heartily. Alfie was like a dad to me.



The next morning, i woke with coffee, not cheap beer. I put on a decent black suit, with my red bowtie. I slicked back my wildly curly hair, sprayed a bit of cologne, and left. Then walked back inside.

"I can't do this!" I stared at myself in the mirror, my heart racing so much it was kinda painful. "No. You can! You're gonna walk to the mansion, and ask to be the butler. Not hard at all!" My breath hitched. "Oh god, no i can't !" I slapped myself in the face. "Be a man!" I walked out the door again, this time staying outside. I walked briskly down, past the pub, Alfie giving me a glance of confidence. Then past the library. Then, after quite a steep hill, i came to the drive. The place was even more overwhelming in person. By the looks of it, there were hundreds of rooms. And there were five range rovers. Five fucking range rovers! I looked around, im astonshment, then wandered to the door, making sure i'd counted the cars properly. I knocked on the solid dark oak door, with dozens of engravments etched with gold and silver leaf. I sucked in a breath. "Be a man." I whispered. The door opened. "Hi! I came here for the-"

"Job?" He smirked, and i blushed, nodding. "Come in." I stepped inside, my shoes making an echo every time i moved them. I swear i could hear my heart somewhere within the sounds. "You're actually the only one who's come here for the job. And i don't think anyone else is going to come other then yourself." HIs well-spoken tone made me forget my name. " Do you have a resume?"

"Y-yeah." I handed him it, holding my breath as his distracting, glistening orbs skimmed over it.

"You're looking pretty good." He pushed his thin-rimmed specs up his nose. "I don't think i can be very picky, you're the only one whose inquired about it." He inhaled, smiling as he held out his hand. "Elliott Capulet, You've got the job!" I took his hand and shook it warmly, his hand slender yet soft. Definitley Pianist's fingers

"Excellent!" I grinned.

This chapter is dedicated for my best friend whose been helping me through some tough times recently, and id thought id suprise him.


You're the best. xxx

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