Chapter 26 - worry

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Clementine's POV

It had been a 2 weeks since you had returned from the journey and Y/N still hadn't come home yet. You feared the worst and hadn't spoken to many people other than Lewis and Anna.

Anna had completely shut down and hardly left her room. Lewis acted fine around everyone but he would come and visit you during the night and talk about it. He was distraught. He said he couldn't eat or drink because he was to worried about his friend.

But you...

You had only felt pain like this before and that was when lee died. When you pulled that trigger you had never felt pain like it. Now Y/N was missing everything that happened was just a piece of background noise. The whole building could be shot at and burnt down and you would get up and go for a walk. You had been going for a lot of walks lately. It reminds you of the time you and Y/N almost kissed by the chopping block but where rudely interrupted by a pack of walkers.

AJ had become restless as the others tried to take care of him because you can't but jack...

Well jack is practically died. He doesn't eat, drink, speak, get up or even blink. He just lays there staring at a wall. He's only three and has already experienced so much death. AJ is the same.

You sit at the big round table as everyone else was doing there duties and Lewis had taken your jobs because he wanted to let you rest and to take his own mind off of Y/N.

Anna: hey honey.

She sits across from you and strokes your cheek. You can barely muster a smile.

Anna: I know. I feel the same.

You: I miss him so much.

Anna: I don't know why it would take him this long because the hall gang would have brought him here as a bargaining chip to get the rest of us.

You: I hope he's ok.

There is a long silence as you hang your head and look at all the chips and holes in the table. All the imperfections give it character. The chips from a party or someone picking at it during a meal.

You begin to think of story's for them all. A beer bottle thrown down a bit to hard during a party as people began to get drunk. A few cuts from a group of friends playing 5 finger fillet.

You are snapped out of it when you knock over an empty glass. It rolls off the table and it shatters on the floor.

You: shit sorry.

Anna: it's ok Clem. I'll clean it up for you. Maybe you'd feel a bit better with some fresh air.

She begins to pick up the glass as you step outside into the cold mountains.

You walk towards the front gate and begin to walk into the wilderness towards the wood chopping block.

The light breeze pushes past your face and through your hair. half the snow had melted after the storm so you could finally walk again.

The bitter air fills your mouth as you sigh and continue walking. You spot a walker and slowly walk up to it. He doesn't notice you until you are very close.

He turns and you take out his knee so falls like a ton of bricks and stab your screwdriver through the back of its head as it draws its last breath.

The girl - a clementine x male reader storyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα