Chapter 25 - punishment

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Readers POV

The cold barrel of a rifle is pressed against your forehead as scout is picked up by the scruff of his neck as he wriggles about trying to escape.

When you do not follow his command he looks agitated and you feel the pressure of the metal increase as he presses down.

???: stand up or we snap your dogs neck.

You: fine. Jesus Christ.

You slowly bring yourself to your feet as he doesn't remove the rifle.

You: I would be a bit more of a listener if didn't have a massive fuck off rifle aimed at my head first thing in the morning!

???: you little shit.

He slaps you so hard your ear rings and your face burns.

He grabs you by your hood and drags you outside as you stand up. They take your axe and crossbow but leave your knife as they don't know you had it. He punches you knocking you over.

A woman stands in front of.

Woman: Sam what are you doing. We don't know it's them.

You guess that the man is Sam.

Sam: who else lives in these mountains.

You: quite a lot of peop-

Sam: shut the fuck up.

Woman: leave him alone.

Sam: no lucy.

And the woman is called lucy.

Lucy: we should ask him.

You can't help but realise that scout is whimpering and wriggling trying to get out of the other mans grip. You feel sparks shoot from your eye and look at him.

You: drop him!

Sam: what!?

You: drop the dog or I kill you!

Lucy: just drop him John.

The man drops scout as he gets ready to attack.

You: no scout just run there is to many.

Scout listens and runs off into the forest.

Sam: why did you do that he will go and get the others.

You: there are no others in the next 30 miles radius.

Sam: so you are with them.

He punches you square in the face and your nose bleeds.

You: with who?

Sam: you know who.

You: the whitetails.

Sam: what? No. The hall gang.

You: no I'm not with them. They killed 2 of our member 2 days ago and burnt down our armoury. They held a gun to my boys head. To be fair that is what you are doing right now.

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