Mr. Weatherbee: everyone get to class now! He yelled at everyone as he walked up to Sweet Pea.

Everyone immediately staggered to class.

Archie: I think we should get out of here. He whispered as we walked out the door. I nodded my head.

There's no way I'd be able to focus after that scene.

We went to Pops and ordered a milkshake as my mind kept playing images of Sweet Pea repeatedly punching Sebastian. I'm even sure what I'm feeling right now.

Sweet Pea POV:

As soon as I saw that rapist I wanted to kill him.

What right does he think he has to dare look at her, let alone speak to her.

As soon as he took the first punch at me, it made a rush of adrenaline and happiness spread through my body. I can finally give him what he deserves.

Each punch was for my sister who never deserved this.

Seeing him fall to the ground, blood dripping down his face. It was the best thing to happen throughout these past couple days.

Soon Mr. Weatherbee had to come and ruin my show. I was having a great time, although I couldn't say the same for Sebastian.

I was sat outside of Mr. Weatherbee's office. I honestly couldn't care less of what the punishment is. Betty is worth whatever stupid punishment I get.

I'm standing up for my sister, a victim. I don't deserve a punishment but what ever.

It had been half an hour when I saw the rapist take a seat on the opposite side of the room. I let out a laugh as I saw his face. It was covered in cuts and dry blood.

Soon both our dads arrived and we were sat in Mr. Weatherbee's office.

There were four chairs lined up next to each other. Both Sebastian and I took the end seats.

Mr. Weatherbee: fighting in any form at this school will not be tolerated boys. He said with his deep voice.

He looks strong but I could beat him up if I took him on in a fight.

Mr. Weatherbee: what started this boys? He asked sternly.

Sweet Pea: he wouldn't leave my sister alone. I spat out.
Sebastian: I said one sentence to her. He said while rolling his eyes.
Sweet Pea: maybe I should make it more clearer for an idiot like you, I don't want a rapist near my sister. I said.

'What?' Sebastian's dad yelled out angrily. I let out a dry laugh.

Sweet Pea: guess he didn't tell you how he tried to rape my sister. I said angrily.

'You have got to be kidding me?!' He yelled angrily at his son.

Good to see that the dad is more responsible then his good for nothing kid.

Mr. Weatherbee: are these accusations true Sebastian? He asked.

All Sebastian did was give us a smirk that confirmed everything. His dad looked ashamed and I had had enough of this kid.

I stood up again, ready to fight. Unfortunately dad stood up in front of me and held me back.

Hal: sit down. He warned. I did what he wanted but had a mad expression plastered over my face.

Although I wish dad didn't stop me I know it's the right thing. Don't fight someone in front of the principal, do it when they're gone. Maybe I can take him again in the parking lot?

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