"Have I told you lately, how much I love you?" Gabe growled as he began to pull her jeans off. 

"You might have, but I never get tired of hearing it. The only thing better is when you show me, so hurry up and get those clothes off." 

Gabe stopped for a second to look at her. Those beautiful doe eyes were almost black with desire as she stared back at him. 

"Penny for them?" She whispered. 

"Just wondering what I did to deserve you." He replied softly. 

Abby ran her hands inside his jeans and over his hard length, making him moan. 

"Ditto." She replied. It was the last word she managed to get out before they tore at each other's clothes, desperate to feel skin on skin.

Abby hadn't realised that she had dozed off after their lovemaking, until she was woken by something brushing over her stomach. Enjoying the sensation, she kept hers eyes closed as Gabe gently kissed her skin. She was surprised when she heard him speaking softly and was about to say something to let him know she was awake, but his words stopped her. 

"Hey baby, how are you doing in there little one? You are an unexpected gift in our lives but a very welcome one. I can't wait to hold you in my arms, so you make sure you take care of your mum. She is very precious to me, I want you to behave so that she can grow strong and keep you safe. I love you both so very much." He sighed and kissed her stomach again. 

Abby waited a few minutes before she opened her eyes and smiled at Gabe as he lay against her. 


"Did I wake you?" 

"No I was just dozing." She decided not to say anything about what she had heard. She was so touched by Gabe's words, but didn't want him to think she was eavesdropping on his private moment. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked, as he took her hand and played with her fingers. 

"Perfect." She grinned and stretched, arching her back, lifting Gabe's head from his resting place. 

"So you don't feel sick or anything?" He gave her a concerned frown. 


"I thought all pregnant women got morning sickness or something?" 

"So did I, but perhaps it's my reward for all the times I threw up during chemo. I'm not complaining." 

"Neither am I." He said, as he pulled himself up and leant over her for a kiss. 

"Are you going to tell me what you and Cameron were talking about at the office?" 

"Yeah sorry, it slipped my mind with all the hassle from the press. I was sorting out contracts to do some film scores. I had a couple of meetings while we were on tour. It's something I've wanted to do for a while and now seems like the perfect time." 

"Wow! That sounds really cool, but what about the band?" 

"We had already planned a break after this tour, to be honest I've not been getting the buzz from it that I used to. One of the reasons I kept going was that I thought the other guys, especially Gaz and Phil needed the money. Now that I know that Fi and Lucy have them sorted financially, I don't feel guilty about it. Plus it means I can stay home and make sure you're ok, I can do all the work in my studio." 

Abby frowned at him. "I hope this isn't all because of me and that you're making excuses, I wouldn't want to stop you doing what you love." 

Gabe sat up and pulled Abby with him, he wrapped his arms around her and looked into her eyes. 

"I'm not going to lie and say I wouldn't have dropped everything for you because I would. But believe me, I was thinking about this before I even met you. We've been doing nothing but write, record and tour since we signed the contracts in our teens. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful for the life I have, I appreciate everything I've got, but I earned it. I think I deserve to do what I want for a change. No more pandering to record company whims, having my life organized for me, telling me where to go and who to be seen with. It's time for me to relax and enjoy what I've earned and spend time looking after you and our baby." 

Abby stared at him for a minute, she could see in his eyes that he was speaking the truth. 

"I think it's a great idea and you will have plenty of time to work because I have my business to get off the ground." 

"About that." Gabe frowned. 


"You know that I fully support you in anything you want to do, but I'm still worried that you will overdo it and fall ill again." 

Abby held his face inn her hands and brushed his lips with hers. 

"Well seeing as you will be home with me you'll be able to make sure I don't. I promise that I will be careful and you know the girls have my back. If at any time you think I'm doing too much you have my permission to carry me to our room and help me relax." She gave him a cheeky grin. 

Gabe couldn't help but laugh and Abby was relieved that she had calmed his fears. The last thing she needed was for Gabe to wrap her in cotton wool and treat her like some fragile piece of china. She pulled him in for another kiss which started to get more heated, unfortunately they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Then they heard the flight attendant speaking. 

"We have half an hour before we land sir." 

Gabe groaned as he pulled back. "Ok thanks, we'll be out in a bit." 

Abby pouted in frustration which made Gabe laugh. After giving her another heart stopping kiss he pulled them off the bed. 

"Hold that thought, we will resume this as soon as we get home." He winked at her and then started to grab their clothes.

They landed at Exeter airport in the late afternoon. Abby was surprised to see Pod and Helen leaning against Gabes Range Rover, parked on the tarmac by the plane. 

"I guess you called Pod?" She asked Gabe as she made her way down the steps. 

"He was down at my place anyway, so I thought he could pick us up." 

"Oh and I wonder why he was there?" Abby laughed. 

Helen ran over and gave Abby a hug, while Pod stayed leant against Gabe's car smirking. 

"I better not find any scratches on this." Gabe waved his hand at his pride and joy as he closed the gap between them. 

"Oh get over yourself." Pod laughed and gave him a fist bump. "I would have brought the chopper it you weren't such a pansy arse girl about it." 

"Just because I value my life does not make me a girl." Gabe retorted and punched Pod's shoulder. 

Helen clapped her hands, which made them both turn towards her. 

"Children behave, no fighting in public." She said in a stern voice, making Abby burst out laughing. 

Pod sauntered over to her and lifted her up in the air, making her squeal. 

"Who're you calling a child missy? Haven't I proved that I'm all man?" He growled. 

"Put me down you fool." Helen shrieked. 

"Only when you admit I'm more man than you can handle." 

Helen raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? I might need more proof." 

Pod put her down and then pulled her in for a kiss muttering. "I'll give you proof." 

Gabe and Abby burst out laughing at their friends antics. They gave them a few moments and then Gabe cleared his throat. 

"We would like to get home sometime today, we have unfinished business." He smirked as he spoke. Pod pulled away and turned to look at Gabe. 

"Don't we all mate." He replied as he pulled Helen towards the car. 

Abby blushed as Helen gave her a knowing look..

Stay - Book two in The Stormforce seriesWhere stories live. Discover now