Story 1, Part 1 • Why Can't We Let Go?

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"Erm, shall we go to Mrs. Price's?" Casey said, then took a glance at Joseph who was driving her home from school.

"Any particular reason?" He squinted his eyes.

"It's Elijah's birthday."

"Um... okay."

Silence filled the air as they tried to strangle their minds from looking back to the incident that took their loved ones. Joseph was haunted by nightmares, crying himself to sleep then waking up sweating. Although looking okay, Casey was never able to let go of Kevin, without whom she couldn't be herself now. The touch of his skin when they hugged outside that psychiatric hospital while the air was cold and the sky was gloomy... she could still feel him in her arms. Lying on her lap while losing breath... Casey was the one to witness his death. On the other hand, Mrs. Price had her greatest loss, yet a pleasant release of his fragile son. At least he doesn't have to feel pain anymore, she kept telling herself that until she knew she wanted him back.

"Joseph... let-let's just go home." She stuttered.

"Are you certain?"

"It's just stupid... Elijah is dead. Mr. Glass doesn't exist anymore. How can we celebrate his bornday?!" Casey's voice was shaky and tears began to form in her eyes, slowly streamed down her face. "Why can't we just let go?!"

Joseph's chest pumped up and down rapidly and breathless he was. Glancing at her, knowing she couldn't stop crying, he pulled over. His arms reached her at light speed afterwards, wrapped her shaking body.

"Casey... please stop." He whispered, sunk his head in the crook of her neck. "Fuck, stop crying!" But then, there was nothing but their sobs.

"I still can feel him, Joseph, in my arms. I still can see him dying... those eyes. That fucking bullet shouldn't have been fired!"

"I miss my father, too." He released Casey from his arms, looked at her watery eyes, then smiled. Such a smile was nothing but pain in undeniable misery.

"But, it's time to bury the day they were all taken from us in the back of our memory and keep them there, not forgotten but... just less vivid and less likely to take control, then we move on." Joseph said softly, stroking her hands.

"I can't." She shook her head, drawing off her hands from his.

"It takes time but you are not alone. We have each other, at least. Oh, no, you have your family."

"Stop that. Don't make me feel sorry for you." She chuckled.

"I am indeed pathetic, but stronger than you."

"Shut up." They laughed.

"Okay, home?"

"Yes, please, Mr. Driver." She smiled.


On the way home, Casey was busy replying messages from her friends, asking something she could easily shove off with one answer: The Beast was dead.

"What's up with everyone?!" She asked in confusion.

"What?" Joseph replied.

"My friends texted me, they were asking if the beast was still around or not. Isn't clear that he is dead? Are they trying to break my heart or what?!" She rolled her eyes. But, she knew she couldn't contain her emotions when another message arrived.

Hi, Casey.
Did you miss me?
-Yours, Kevin.

Casey Wendell CrumbOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora