Chapter Nineteen: Light & L request.

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In an instant, the teams fall to the ground.

Kira... Won.

Everyone's dull, lifeless eyes close and they all fall to the ground, clutching their chests. Screams fill the silence as the fan continues to creek in the back and only six remained- you, Light, L, Near, Mello and Mikami.

"Wh-what?!" Near yells, anger and confusion clear in his tone.

"Looks like Kira wins." Light smirks.

Eyes wide, Near asks, "How... How is this possible?!"

"There is yet another Kira... And another Death Note." Light snickers before continuing, "You see, I have a Queen of the new world... And she was Kira before I was. I knew you'd switched the notebook at the bank and so... We sent word to Mikami that the original would be in the car outside. I knew your plan since the beginning, Near."

In that moment, Near and Mello clutch their chests, glaring at Light, "Who... Who is the other Kira?"

"[Y/N] of course." Light smirks snaking an arm around your waist as the two flop to the floor like lifeless fish, surprise and betrayal laced into their dull faces.

"[Y-Y/N]?" L questions, breath caught in his throat.

You smile at the boy, "Afraid so, my dear L. Although I hate to admit it, I actually fell in love with you... Shame, really."

"You did?" They both question, eyes wide.

Nodding, you chuckle, "Well yes. I also love Light though... It's a shame I can't have both."

"Y-yeah... Of course n-not," Light nervously replies, scratching the back of his head.

L looks at you with hope-filled eyes, "You... You actually love me?"

"Y-yeah..." Now it was your turn to be nervous.

Light looks at L, having an internal conflict. He thinks for a moment before speaking up.


"She's done, sir." The horrid caretaker, Yami, nods to a man. A tall, horrifying man crouches down to your beaten, broken and empty form, observing you with his amused black eyes. His slender fingers take your chin and gazes at your stoic face, eyes as dull as night.

"Yes... Seems we've made another perfect detective. Send her on her way." And with that, the gray-haired monster walks off. His name was Rin Mataru and you were his favorite subject to prod, poke and test.

Everyday, you'd be beaten. Everyday, you'd be tested. Everyday you'd lose hope... Until you were no more and became twisted. Yes, they'd formed a perfect detective... But a sadistic one.

The only thing that kept you going was your roommate, L. He was always there for you until a year ago when they sent him out to work with Watari as an investigator. Now, you were alone inside of this cell, your young mind unable to take it anymore... And that's when it appeared. In the room lay a black notebook labeled 'Death Note'.

A god had came down, pitying your young soul and gave you the chance to make your escape.

That shinigami's name was Ryuk. Ryuk had three notebooks from ones he had cheated out from the king- he said he's lost them and got new ones... And this was his game.


After you had studied the notebook for several days, the doctors announced that it was time you left to become a detective also- and here you were, being escorted out with only the clothes on your back and the one thing that would help you get your revenge- the Death Note. You made your living solving cases and after two years of leaving Wammy's 'Special Facility' you'd met the one who could end the calamity- Watari. You explained everything and showed him the place it all happened. Eventually, he shut down the facility and slowly, each doctor showed up dead. .It was written off as a councidence... But you knew the truth.

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