Chapter Eleven: Hurt and Pain.

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Pain thumped through your head as you get out of bed.

I REALLY didn't sleep well last night. What even happened?

Slowly you go into the bathroom and shower. The steam peacefully flows out as the warm water drips down your body. Picking up the strawberry shampoo, you groan with a slight pain in your head. After massaging in the shampoo, you wash it out and climb out and grab some painkillers.

Once dried, you change into a blue t-shirt, black leather jacket, blue jean shorts and converse.

Grabbing an apple, you take a bite before taking your keys, phone and money and heading out the door. L wasn't there... You hesitate outside of his door, wondering whether to knock or not before shaking your head a little and knocking.

No answer.

"R-Ryu? C'mon we got school today." You call out, knocking again.

Maybe he's already there...

Putting on your headphones, you walk to school, jamming slightly. Once you reach the gate, you realise Light never met you half way as usual.

Shrugging it off, you walk through the gates as the bell goes. "Crap!" You grumble, running off to class. Upon entering class, you notice neither Light nor L was there. Quietly, you sit down and wait for class to begin.

"Can I sit here?" Asks a voice, pointing to the spare chair in front. The boy is wearing a gray Black Butler shirt (just to be ironic) and blue jeans with black converse.

"Go ahead Mr. Circus." You chuckle, greeting Ciel. Sitting down, he also laugh as girls begin to swarm around him.

Ohh jeez.

The teacher walks in does the register before starting to talk about whatever the hell it is, you wern't really paying attention. A small nudge brings your attention to Ciel. "Do you have a spare pen?"

Reaching into your pockets you find two pens and hand him one, smiling, "Here."

"Thanks." He winks before getting to work.

Where are those guys? What even happened last night?

Biting your thumb, you slouch and gaze out of the window.

I mean... Light said he wants me and L kissed me again... Do they like me?

Sighing, you shake your head.

Don't be dumb, you're not likeable.

Soon enough, the bell goes signalling break. Getting up, Ciel turns to you. "Hey, I don't exactly know anyone so can I hang with you?"

"Sure." You nod and smile.

Upon reaching the field as usual, you and Ciel sit under the oak tree. "So... How's your friend? Y'know from the circus."

"Light? He's alive anyways... I don't exactly know what's going on anymore." Shrugging, you reply.

"What's up?" Concern showing in his eyes, he asks.

Not able to hold it all in, you tell him. You tell him how L kissed you, then the whole Light thing and about the fight. The way L looked so hurt and upset and how they just left you alone to feel confused and cry all night.

"Shh, it's alright." He whispers, pulling you into a hug. Without realizing it, some tears made their way out of your eyes. "If they hurt you again, I'll kick butt." Chuckling, he adds.

"Thanks." You giggle, wiping away the stray tears. A devilish smirk grows across Ciel's face as he looks at you, "Wh-what?"

Laughter erupts out of your lungs as Ciel tackles you and begins to tickle you. Squirming under him, you try to break free but to no avail. Ciel chuckles as he watches your wriggling form gasp for breath, face red from laughter. Soon enough, he lets you go.

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