Chapter Four: A Time to Reflect

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   It was still dark out when Maeve awoke. She looked over at her clock: 2:37 AM. She was startled awake by a horrible nightmare. All she saw were books burning with a photograph of herself and Virgil. It depicted them with two small children and a third on the way. What a stupid dream that was. She had given up on love at this point. She wasn't good enough for anyone, despite what people had to say about her. Especially Virgil. It would never work. Maeve was too cruel and heartless. She didn't even know what love was anymore. She was just going to stick to a life of killing and bounty hunting instead. It was all she knew.
   She sat up and swung her feet over the side of her bed, letting them rest on the floor. The snow globe sat on her dresser, the fake snow still rapidly swirling around. What kind of snow globe didn't have cute little decorations, anyways? There was nothing but the fake snow inside it. And why did Jenos even bother giving her the damn thing? He's a god. He should know that her future contains loneliness and isolation. She had no hope for love.
   Reaching over, she grabbed the snow globe and stared at it. Throwing it against the wall seemed so tempting. She raised her arm to do it, then hesitated. Why was she hesitant? What was keeping her from just destroying the stupid thing? She placed it back on her dresser instead and stood up. She left her bedroom and headed to her kitchen. She opened the freezer and grabbed a container of cookie dough ice cream.
   She then made her way into the living room and dropped to the couch and turned on the TV. She switched it over to RealmFlix and started her favorite drama series To Catch a Thief. Watching people fail miserably at a crime she was a professional in always made her laugh. She dug into her ice cream while she watched the show. Out of nowhere, her phone began to ring. She paused it and went to grab it from the nightstand in her room. It was Ash calling. What the fuck did she want? It was rare for her to ever contact Maeve. The only times she ever did was when there was some sort of emergency. She answered to find out.
   "Hello?" Maeve answered.
   "Maeve, it's Ash," she replied. "Word has it a bunch of people saw you running through Stone Keep with tears in your eyes."
   "So what if I was?" Maeve said a little defensively.
   "Is everything okay? Whose ass do I have to beat?" Typical of Ash. Always looking for a fight.
   "You don't have to beat anyone, Ash," she assured her. "I'm fine, I promise." Maeve took a deep, shaky breath. "I just...I figured I'd try searching for love again. I saw this really handsome guy and he offered to take me on a date. It went really well and I enjoyed myself. He was honestly a good guy. Then he invited me to his place and asked if I wanted to sleep with him. I wanted to, I really did. But, I...I choked. I froze up. My nerves got the best of me because I was afraid I wouldn't know what to do. So I ran out of his house." Ash was silent for a moment before she said anything.
   "Fuckin' hell," she said incredulously. "That's gotta sting. I'm so sorry that happened."
   "I'll get over it eventually," Maeve sighed.
   "Well, I'm about five blocks away if you want me to come over. I just wanna check up on you is all," she said. Maeve considered it for a second, then told her she could. No more than five minutes after they hung up, there was a knock at the door. Maeve opened it to let Ash in. Her hair had been getting longer lately, which was strange. Ever since the war ended, Ash kind of just became a different person. She still had some of her old personality traits, but there were things that were different as well.
   Even stranger still was the fact that she was dressed in navy blue pajamas with stars and planets all over them. It was as if she'd been sleeping, or at least trying to, when she called Maeve. Seeing her was oddly comforting, though.
   "Sorry I'm not dressed better," Ash said. "One of Lian's messengers told us about the incident while we were finishing the decorations and she demanded that someone check up on you. Kinessa said she intended to, but never did. I couldn't sleep knowing something bad had happened to you, so I called Kinessa for a status update. She said she never got around to doing it, so I figured I'd do it myself."
   "And I appreciate that," Maeve said. She went to the kitchen for a second spoon and they sat on the sofa together to share the ice cream and watch TV together. They sat in silence for some time before Ash finally spoke up.
   "How far did you even get, anyways?" she asked.
   "I was wearing this really gorgeous red dress with black lingerie underneath. I slipped out of it and he took off his shirt. I froze up when he started removing his belt. Told him I couldn't do it before he even took his pants off," she explained. Ash winced.
   "Ouch," she said. "That's gotta fucking suck. Gave the poor bastard blue balls." They started laughing about that. It was good to have such a caring friend around.
   "Do you still have it on?" Ash inquired. Maeve nodded and took off her pajamas to show off the set.
   "I bought these last week. I really needed them," she said.
   "It looks great on you," Ash complimented. Maeve noticed her face turning red. Ash looked adorable when she was flustered. Without warning, Maeve got the sudden urge to kiss her. She hadn't been tempted to kiss another girl in years. Maybe she wasn't meant to fall in love with a man. Maybe she was destined to marry another girl.
   Without thinking, Maeve moved in and kissed Ash. It was finally happening. Her first real kiss. It was sweet and passionate at first, but soon became lustful and filled with desire. Much to her shock, Ash pushed her down onto her back and ripped her bra off. Lovely. She was gonna have to buy a new one. But in that moment, she didn't care. All that mattered was the passion between her and her best friend.
   Ash began softly squeezing Maeve's left breast and staring sucking on the right one. It felt so good. So much so that Maeve began biting Ash's neck. This seemed to turn her on, making her slightly more aggressive. However, she was still gentle enough to let Maeve know she was aware of how petite and fragile she was. For that, she was grateful.
   Ash then slid Maeve's panties off and went down on her. Feeling her tongue move so quickly and so deeply inside of her pussy felt incredible. She needed this. It wasn't until now that she realized how badly she needed it. Maeve arched her back and started letting out soft, whimpering moans. Ash was amazing at this. The pleasure she got was beyond what she was used to when pleasuring herself.
   Instinctively, Maeve reached out a hand and started stroking Ash's hair. Ash continued to eat her out with lustful hunger. It was as if she'd waited years for this moment and was milking it for all it was worth.
   "Fuck, that feels so fucking good!" Maeve cried. "I'm gonna cum soon." Ash didn't let up, licking deep inside her pussy and using one finger to stimulate Maeve's clit. Surely enough, with a loud moan, Maeve reached her climax. Then Ash got up to undress herself and said "Your turn, sweetheart." Unsure of what to do or how Ash did it so well, Maeve hesitantly climbed on top of Ash and started sucking on her breasts. They were so much bigger than Maeve's, and it made her slightly jealous. But she focused on trying her best to please Ash. Then she tried kissing her and biting her neck some more. Maeve had never felt so awkward in her life. This was all so new to her and she was timid about it.
   "Hey," Ash said to get her attention. Maeve stopped to look up at her. "Don't stress yourself out about it. You're doing just fine, sweetheart. Don't think, just go with what feels right." Taking her advice, Maeve gathered enough courage to do down on Ash to try eating her out. She was slow and hesitant at first, but her confidence grew over time. She tasted slightly sweet and fruity. Maeve remembered that red was Ash's favorite color, and often ate anything that was red. Strawberries, cherries, apples, and grapes were among some of her favorites. That would explain the sweet taste. It seemed the rumors were true that eating an excess of fruit altered the taste of your bodily fluids.
   She continued eating Ash out with the same amount of passion and fervor that Ash had done to her. In the heat of the moment, Maeve got an idea. She stopped to get up and ran to her bedroom to grab a red strap-on she kept under her bed. She returned and showed it to Ash.
   "I like the way you think, girl," Ash said smirking. Maeve giggled seductively and slipped the strap around her waist. Ash turned over so that her face was in the sofa pillows and rested on her knees. Maeve got behind her and slid the toy into Ash's pussy, then started with slow, steady thrusts. Ash started moaning and Maeve instinctively placed her hands on Ash's hips. She started thrusting faster and harder, spanking Ash in the process. This made her moan louder, but the sound was muffled. Maeve figured Ash must have been biting down onto one of the pillows. Then she realized why Ash had been growing her hair out. She pulled on her ponytail, causing her head to tilt back. This made Ash moan so loudly, it almost sounded like a scream.
   That's when the strangest thing occurred to Maeve. She suddenly became much more aggressive, pushing down on Ash's body and thrusting harder. She leaned over to bite Ash on the neck once more, harder than before. She nearly drew blood, but stopped herself before she could.
   "HOLY FUCK, THAT FEELS SO GOOD!" Ash said loudly. Maeve was merciless as she completely dominated Ash. With a loud scream, Ash reached her climax. The orgasm left her body quivering. The two were sweating profusely, but they were fully satisfied. They both sat in silence, breathing heavily from the intense sex they just had. After what felt like hours, Maeve finally stood and took the strap off. She returned it to the box under her bed. When she turned around, she was surprised to find that Ash had followed her to the bedroom.
   "Do you mind if I stay the night?" Ash asked shyly.
   "Of course you can," Maeve said smiling at her. The thought never occurred to her, but she was grateful her bed was big enough for the two of them. Maeve curled up under the blanket in Ash's arms and sighed deeply. The two kissed each other good night and Maeve was out like a light.

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