Chapter Three: The Hunt is On

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   Maeve awoke the next morning before her alarm could go off. It was 7:30 in the morning. A bit too early for her preference, but she struggled to sleep. The anticipation for what lie ahead was overwhelming her. If she was going to hunt for a potential soul mate, she needed to look her best. She started off by putting on her new pair of black panties and a matching bra. She then sat in the chair in front of her large vanity mirror to try using cosmetics. She hadn't done this since the war started ten years ago, so she'd have to get help. She grabbed her phone from its charger and opened up RealmTube. Christmas was in two days, so she decided to watch a video on the appropriate color palette.
   She starts with a primer and foundation trying to move as quickly as the video. She then applies her concealer and light pink blush before she begins contouring her face. Once she finishes her base, she applies a coat of translucent baking powder and notices how different she looks and how odd she feels.
   She picks up her eyeshadow palette and starts on her eyes. She first applies a thick coat of bold red to her eyes before carving her lid with concealer to make a cut crease. She then applies eyelash glue and a light shade of green to the carved area of her lid and highlights what’s left of her inner corner with a white highlighter. She applies her eyeliner winging it out to nearly the end of her eyebrows. She then applies a brown tint to her eyebrows and applies a bold red lipstick. After brushing away her baking powder and applying her white highlighter, she looks at herself for a while.
   It was certainly a strange look for Maeve, something she wasn't used. Despite this, she was satisfied with her appearance. The shades of green especially helped to bring out her glowing turquoise eyes. With her makeup done, she was ready to get dressed. She made her way into her large walk-in closet to peruse her collection of dresses. After searching for a few minutes, she settled on a ruby red dress that curved in at the waist to show off her hips before flaring out at the bottom in ruffles. The straps on the dress just barely covered her shoulders and it was low cut enough to show off her perky 38C breasts. She finished her look with high heels of the same color that were comfortable enough to walk in, but still high enough to look sexy.
   With her transformation complete, she stepped out to assess her appearance in the mirror. To say she didn't recognize herself was an understatement. The girl in the mirror wasn't a cold-blooded killer; she was gorgeous, vibrant, full of happiness and life. She looked as if she were someone worth loving for once in her life. Maeve was ready to take on the world and turn heads wherever she went. Until she remembered two small details, that is.
   Her hair and feline features would be a dead giveaway and ruin any chances she'd have with anyone. Thankfully, she had magic. She retracted her ears and tail before settling on onyx-colored hair. With those out of the way, she was definitely a complete stranger even to herself. To add one extra finishing touch, she lightly spritzed herself with lavender perfume. It was her favorite scent, always bringing her comfort and reminding her of better times.
   Maeve was finally ready to conquer the Realm. She grabbed her new leather purse and hid her knives in it in case she needed them. The first place she'd try was Stone Keep. The castle town there attracted a lot of well-behaved and successful men. It was the perfect starting place.
   On the way there, she double-checked her purse to ensure she had everything she needed. Keys, knives, wallet, phone, makeup, pads, and...Jenos's snow globe? How the hell did it get in there? She could have sworn she saw it on the table in her living room when she left. She must have grabbed it on her way out and didn't realize it. That wasn't important. She needed to focus on preparing herself for her first attempt at impressing people in five years.
   While she traveled through the city, rehearsing lines in her head, she was approached by a stranger riding on a horse. She almost ran into him when he called out to her.
   "On your right," he said. Wait a minute....Maeve knew that voice. She looked up at the rider in front of her. It was the man from the market. Her face immediately grew hot, remembering how much he wanted to sleep with her.
   "My apologies, sir," she said with a bow. She had to hide her French accent to further prevent herself from exposing her identity.
   "That's quite alright, Miss," he replied. "May I offer you a ride?" Maeve nodded, then climbed up onto his horse. "Where are we off to, Ma'am?"
   "Stone Keep," she told him.
    "Dressed like that? You must have a hot date waiting for you," he laughed.
   "I certainly hope so," Maeve said, trying to hide her rose red face. His body was firm and warm. He was very well toned and smelled of sandalwood. It was pleasant, almost relaxing.
   "How could anyone say no to a pretty little lady such as yourself?" he inquired.
   "I ask myself the same thing every day," Maeve answered. She tried to hide the sadness in her voice, but didn't do as well as she'd hoped. The two rode in silence for a short time before he finally spoke again.
   "Well, if nothing else, how about I treat you to lunch myself?" His question made her heart race. She bit her tongue to avoid answering too hastily. She didn't wanna sound desperate, even though she certainly was. Instead, she remained silent for a moment, just long enough to make it seem as if she were contemplating her answer, but not too long to cause suspicion.
   "I accept your offer," she finally said. "It sounds like a wonderful idea." He smiled at her, making her heart flutter even more. The pair rode in silence the rest of the way. Maeve was too excited to hold a conversation without accidentally gushing. They finally arrived in Stone Keep, the beautiful Renaissance-styled town vibrant with life and activity as always. It was so satisfying to see this place as a flourishing town rather than the badly damaged battlefield it once was.

Through Time and Space: A Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora