Chapter 7: Prince Liam

Start from the beginning

These were the decision makers of the entire kingdom. They represented the people of Olumia and were the ones behind the lawmaking and confirmation process. There was a councilor for every sector (10 including the capital which Councilor Ulysses was councilor of). The Councilor of her sector, Sector 3, was Councilor Lucia. With her dark skin, flowing dark hair, sharp but kind brown eyes, and authoritative voice, she seemed a regal sort of beautiful that Gen was a little awed by. 

"We will finish this later," decided King Alastair once they had spent twenty minutes disagreeing about whether or not to allow the subjects of the Capital into the Royal Ball of Lights (celebrating Princess Cora's sixteenth birthday) more than three months from now. "What's next."

The Royal Overseer, Matilda Fawkes, who presided over every meeting with the king and handled the timing and business to be covered, cleared her throat, "Taxes". She was sitting across from Gen and next to Councilor Ulysses (the councilor of the capital) and the king. Next to Gen was the councilor of the first sector, then across from him was the councilor of the second sector, and so on and so forth. 

The king beamed, "Ah, yes. The Council voted a fortnight ago about whether to raise the taxes by 2% for the coming months. The results were a tie, and I as the tiebreaker have approved the bill." A servant brought the scroll to the table. 

Half of the councilors looked pleased (undoubtedly councilors from wealthier sectors) while the other five (including Councilor Lucia) looked unhappy. "Your highness," she said. The king bowed his head for her to continue. She stood. "I urge the council to bring this matter to the People's House for further reconsideration. I'm sure these taxes will have a negative effect on the people." The People's House was the second council in the pyramid of authority of the kingdom. Issues that needed further analysis than the Royal Council were brought to the People's House (made up of 27 representatives- 3 from each of the 9 sectors, elected by the sectors). 

Councilor Ulysses raised a hand to show he wanted to speak. 

Councilor Lucia nodded to show she accepted his request. He stood. 

"Your highness, I'm sure Councilor Lucia is aware we have voted already on this topic and the council decided not to bring it to the People's House for a second opinion," he said.

"Your highness," said Councilor Lucia, looking annoyed. "Neither myself or Councilor Rennick were present during this vote, I'd like to request a revote." 

"Will anyone second that?" asked King Alastair. 

A man with red hair (whom Gen assumed was Councilor Rennick) raised a hand. As did another female councilor. 

"Your highness," said Councilor Ulysses. Once accepted, he stood. "Councilors are supposed to be present during every proceeding yet Councilor Lucia and Councilor Rennick both decided not to be present at that meeting where we voted on this topic. That is their fault. In this council, we don't redo anything for the benefit of those who choose to miss meetings. They missed it so they missed the vote. That was their choice. We cannot support this show of favoritism."

King Alastair nodded, "Request denied."

"My daughter was in critical condition," said Councilor Lucia, sharply. "You cannot expect me to leave her alone when she was dying!" Gen knew Councilor Lucia's daughter had heart sickness. 

"Request denied Councilor Lucia," said King Alastair. "Your time is up."

Councilor Lucia sat down, stone faced. Gen was just as annoyed. She didn't know Councilor Rennick's excuse, but how could they expect Councilor Lucia to show up when she was busy being a mother? 

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