Coronation Day

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Coronation Day~
Third pov.

Goldie and Red, all made up decided to get ready together for the Coronation of Princess Aurora. They were all dressed, going each other's hair. Red wore a beautiful white dress with red interlaced sides, and her usual red cape. Goldie wearing something more princess like, wore a simple yet elegant yellow dress with thin waved materials.

Goldie finishes up doing Reds hair, simply doing a loose small French braid on the side of her hair as she asked for. Her hair already had beautiful red loose curls which made it easier on Goldie.

"Can you do a messy bun in the back, and a front braid leading up to it?" Red started to lightly take out Goldie's breads she put in last night to make her hair curly. She nods and starts to untangle each one. There was a sudden knock at the door. "That's probably Jack and Kai, can you get the door I'll finish up untangling them" Goldie looks through the mirror at Red.

She hesitated on leaving, but nodded to open the door. Each step felt like a heavy weight going on Reds shoulder, the knocking seemed to get louder each time she got closer. Red finally reaches the door, waiting for one last knock before opening it.

"Hey," she smiles relieved to see Kai "do I get a hug?" Red nods and opened her arms. Red didn't care if Goldie was judging them, she only knew that Kai forgave her and wasn't mad. He showed up for her.

"Come inside." Red let's go of his grip and opens the door further. To see Jack behind Kai waiting for them to move. Jack smiled watching Kai enter the house, leaving Red to greet him.

"Jack, hey" Red smiled back at him. She wondered what it would be like if Goldie made her drink the potion after all and made her forget him. Red didn't want to worry about it though.

"How are you doing Red?" Jack looks down at her, she didn't want to know what it would feel like not to remember his emerald green eyes. She let her emotions take control, and opened her arms wide again.

"I'm doing fine. Very fine, how are you?" Red couldn't seem to let him go.

Inside, Goldie watched as they hugged longer than necessarily. Kai seemed to notice Goldie's stare and rolled his eyes. He never understood girls and their jealousy.

"I'm doing alright, I'm not dead from a revenged giant yet." Jack and Red laughed and went inside. She closed the door preparing herself, hoping Goldie didn't get mad at her.

"Red needs to finish up my hair and then we can all go take a carriage to the castle and help set up." Goldie nods towards Red to do her hair.

Kai and Jack watch silently as the girls bond over God knows what, they flip a few coins around as they wait.

"This is the price of showing up early, I told you we should have went to the bar really quick." Kai complained to Jack in a whisper.

"The bars won't be open you idiot, it's a princesses Coronation. Who would want to miss up a free chance at royalty." Jack whispered back watching Red finish up Goldie's hair. Red seemed to notice his gaze through the mirror and smiled.

"I guess you're right, but next time let's just do something. Whenever they say get here at a certain time let's just come ten minutes after the fact." Jack nods, not really listening to Kai.

"Alright ready to go." Goldie walks up to Jack and places a hand on his chest, Red makes her way next to Kai silently. Jack and Goldie talk for a little bit to themselves.

"Hey Kai, how are you holding up?" Red looks up at him with her brown eyes, he smiles at her.

"I'm just glad we're all back as a family again." He gives Red a side hug and kisses her head gently. "Also glad to see you're over him." Kai whispers in her ear.

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