Historical Scriptures: Vampires

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Species: Vampires

Founder: Primitus of Florence

History of the Bloodlines: In the start of all things, there emerged the first vampire. Once a mere mortal amongst other humans, this man was an Italian traveller named Primitus. Ambitious, young and with a thirst for adventure, fate had brought him to Delphi in Greece. While here, the young man struck deals with Gods in disguise and with his charm and wits, angered each of them in turn. 

Specifically, it begins with the Sun-God, Apollo, who in a fit of rage cursed Primitus so that his skin would burn should it ever touch sunlight again. The young travellor's bad luck continued when he attempted to pay a lonely woman for her company. Little did Primitus know that this was in fact Artemis, Apollo's sister, the Goddess of the moon and hunting. Insulted, she tricked him and used the silver that he had given her to melt down and with it, burnt his skin. From this she stated that his flesh would become inflamed whenever he came into contact with silver. 

Soon following this, Artemis took pity on the cursed and unfortunate man. She blessed him with extended life. He would carry his curses - his skin burning by sunlight or silver, but he would live for centuries in his current form. Not only that, but Artemis also gave him the speed and strength to become a hunter whose skills were second only to her own. Included in this blessing, was the practice of hematophagy, or known to most as "blood feeding".

Primitus later moved back to Italy, now with his combination of curses and blessings, a full-fledged vampire. Legend traces him to the city of Florence, where he creates the first Vampire Clan.

From what is know in the history of vampires, the clan grew in size and strength, until infighting created something of a "civil war" within the clan. Three in particular, with the names of Malakan, Cassius and Edwin, led a popular revolt against Primitus and he and his closest followers, were killed. From this, each of the surviving vampires from the original clan left to form their own. 



The Vampires are governed by a council of twelve Elders. These elders may be from any clan but they most politically excel. Eloquent, graceful and sharp, the Elders are nominated in power for a reason. When making your tribute, they may be an elder. 

Bloodlines have families that seem more esteemed than others, however this does not mean they are any more a leader than the next. Vampires work as a clan all together with Council Members leading the way. Bloodlines are just ancient branches of origins.


The Bloodlines

Each bloodline is set with its own unique style, disciplines and history. Marriage between bloodlines means that the female formally renounces her orginal blood and joins that of her husbands. Any children they have will be also slated under the bloodline of the male.

Drăculești Bloodline

Founder: Vlad II Dracul

Origin: Romania

SayingThe mind shall vanquish the sword.

Those in this bloodline are said to be descendents of Dracula, and they don't half let you forget that. Pampered aristocrats and traditional, the vampires with Drăculești blood are politically comfortable, extravagant and favour strategy over combat. Yet it is often said by most other bloodlines that this is simply because they are afraid of a fight!

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