Back to the present, Venom stalked the group that came in from the top of a crate in the shadows. The group was primarily of troublesome looking men and they all held weapons.

"This should be fun," murmured Venom.

Usually, you would be watching TV or reading a book or something in the middle of the night, since you felt uneasy without your uncle and Venom with you. The inflatable bed he had on the floor next to you still had the blanket on it.

Tonight though, you were convinced by Felicia Hardy, yeah, that Felicia, to join her on her little midnight adventure.

Whoa, you might be thinking, why the fuck? Because she wouldn't leave you the fuck alone, that's why.

After that donut shop incident she would conveniently run into you on different occasions when you were out alone. Like the laundry place, the park, on the goddamn sidewalk. But over the last few months, the time you spent talking increased and you'd start having full conversations; she'd even asked to exchange phone numbers.

It took her a while, but Felicia finally got you into accompanying her into the city at night. You had your (fully charged) phone and pocket-knife you'd purchased, just in case she decided to try anything. After all, she was still someone new to you. You had no choice but to be cautious.

Just outside the grocery place next to your apartment is where you chose to meet up since you didn't want to risk her finding out where you lived. At about 1:12 AM, Felicia had made her appearance.

"You're late," you said.

"You're early," she replied. "Anyways, were you able to get away?"

"No one's home, no one to find out," you shrugged. "They'll be here in, maybe an two hours. That's usually when they come back."

Felicia and you began to walk together down the sidewalk. You didn't realize you'd been seen by a certain Ms. Cheng, and continued to talk to her calmly.

"Say, we're practically best friends at now, and I don't know a damn thing about you," said Felicia.

"What's your point?" you said, maybe a little bit too coldly.

"I don't know, I was thinking maybe we could play truth or dare, but without the dare," she shrugged.

If you said no, which you would've rather, she'd keep finding ways to try to make you talk. Why fight it?

After a couple seconds of running through scenarios in your head, you replied,"Sure, why not."

"Alright, you can go first."

"Okay. Truth or truth?"

"Definitely truth. So?"

Felicia told you a lot of things about her life. Things that could probably be a big secret. Yet you had no idea why she put so much faith in you in that way.

"Why do you trust me so much?" you decided to ask.

"Well, when we first met, it was one hundred percent by chance, but I still feel like it was meant to be, you know? Me, an assertive loudmouth and you, the quiet and shy nerd. I feel like you and I could do great things together in the future," she smiled. You gave a half hearted laugh. It was starting to get a little weird.

"What do you mean?"

"Nuh-uh, my turn. So, who exactly do you live with?"

Both of you came to a stoplight, Felicia about to walk ahead. You stopped and pushed the button instead. She looked at you in surprise and decided to wait with you, despite how little cars were in the area at the time.

Adversary || Eddie Brock/Venom x Child! ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt