3|What'd It Say?

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Second Person Point of View

You reached the other side in no more than ten seconds, then sprang up from the water.

What do they want with Eddie?

"It's not him they want, it's me. He's merely a tool, and if that tool isn't useful then they'll throw him away," Venom explained.

Throw him away, as in kill him.

Venom seemed to have sensed your worry, and began to jog deeper into the forest.

What did he mean when he said you were killing him?

"Oh, I wasn't killing him, I'll fix what's wrong with his body but the doctors and MRI'S have no idea what they're talking about," Venom answered, growling a little towards the end of it.

I still don't know what that means, but alrighty.

Another question came to mind, but Venom paused and crawled onto the beach of a tree you were light enough to balance on.

Why are you helping him? you asked Venom. You couldn't quite find a reason, and it didn't seem like he was a particularly good guy either. Still, you were pretty sure Venom didn't have to give you control of yourself and he could have just taken over, but he didn't do that. If the way you looked with the Venom suit over you was creepy or intimidating, you were sure it would be much stronger when it was reunited with Eddie.

"I need to figure out they're plan and get him out of this mess if I am going to be staying."

Oh, wait, you're staying?

"It's him."

You paid attention to your surroundings, and in the darkness you see your uncle Eddie again. He was kneeling in front of three soldiers, hands up. Talking, knowing him his plan was probably to keep talking until they just decide to let him go.

But that was unlikely to happen, since they were all loaded with guns.

You extended your hand under Venom's control, and he shot out a sticky, web like substance out and snatched one of the soldiers. He knocked him against the tree hard enough to knock him out.

Well, you hoped he was just knocked out.

Eddie seemed to understand the message and kept talking, as he paused briefly and glanced behind him. "Much... Much bigger."

You repeated what you just did, this time hearing a harsh crack when the guy came into contact with the tree trunk. Venom quietly came up behind the last guy.

Eddie started to grin. "Karma is a bitch," he chuckled.

"I don't believe in karma," said the one pointing a gun at him, the only one standing.

"You will now," said Venom, who grabbed him, turned him over to face him, us?, and opened his mouth to tear the head off his shoulders.

Oh, okay then, I guess.

Eddie let out a surprised groan, hands still up as you approached him.

"Hi, Eddie," said Venom.

"Whoaa," he responded awkwardly as Venom lifted him up. (Not gonna do that kiss for obvious reasons, get some fluff instead) You found both your arms wrapped around Eddie, (courtesy of Venom) and Eddie began to slowly pet your head, quite awkwardly. You felt the cool sensation of the symbiote leave your skin and sink into your uncle's.

Adversary || Eddie Brock/Venom x Child! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now