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Second Person Point of View

"Christ," Anne said as she looked at the passing road that was off limits. Great, only been here a few hours and there's already been another terrorist attack.

Please be safe, you silently prayed for your uncle Eddie. When reaching his apartment, which wasn't very good as you predicted, you were quite shocked at it being evacuated. There were police everywhere. When the policeman said there were bodies all over the city, it made your anxiety heighten. Where is he?

"What do we do now?" you asked Anne. You couldn't think of anywhere since you had no idea where to start from. Not to gloat, but you were actually pretty good at investigations and shit. Hence why you had so much tea 👀 👀 at your old school you were able to tell Levi about.

"I don't know. We have to find him." Anne tried calling him, this time, he actually managed to answer.

"Eddie, thank god, where are you?" she asked him.

"You can't-you can't see me," he said.

"I'm going to get you, I need you to tell me where you are," Anne told him.

"Is (Y/n) with you?"

"Yeah, she's here."

"No, you cannot-You cannot come anywhere near me, not right now," was all he said before he moved on, then hung up. Was he trying to protect you or himself?

Then you had a thought.

"If Eddie is the kind of guy you've made him out to be, we could... Potentially find him by, following the trail of destruction," you suggested.

Anne nodded, though a little reluctant. But it was all you had right now. The areas that were closed off lead you near the golden gate bridge (spoiler alert, it wasn't actually golden. Disappointing).

"Wait," said the blond. "I think I know where it leads."

So you rode in the front seat and accompanied Anne to Eddie's old job, fear crawling up your spine. In your current situation, you could not even focus on the view of the bridge and the water at night. The whole time, you bounced your knee up and down in the seat, distracted.

Helicopters flied overhead, and you felt very sure it had something to do with Eddie, but it was just a gut feeling. The more you waited to see him, the more all what if scenarios filled your head and made you fear for his safety.

By the time you got there, the inside was dark, but there were lights going on inside the fog, or whatever it was. Anne hurried and parked the car.

"Okay, (Y/n), I'm gonna go inside and see if I can find Eddie. Stay inside, don't open up the door for anyone but me, okay?" You nodded, and she left the car. At this point the fog, or smoke or whatever it was had begun to clear inside and you could see what was going on a little bit more but still had no context to theorize what was really happening.

There were shots inside, and you regretted having Anne go inside alone. The least you could do after being such a leech was protect her.

When you heard her shriek, you decided fuck it and jumped out the car to know what was going on. When you entered, she was already speed walking away from who turned out to finally be Eddie. You weren't sure if you were relieved or not, because she was freaking out, and Eddie was freaking out, and that made you panic.

"I've been infected," said Eddie. He was how you remembered him, but looked like he had gone through a lot. His clothes were a little torn and very wet and sweaty, and so was his face. There were also bags under his eyes. He was extremely stressed out.

Adversary || Eddie Brock/Venom x Child! ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang