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Full name: Elizibeth Rae Chrysta
Nickname: Izzy
Gender: Agender
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: They/It
Birthday: January 12
Zodiac: Capricorn ♑
Species: Dark nymph/fairy
Soul gem: Iolite
Weapon: Whip
Color: Dark blue


Orgin: The idea Izzy was actually originally the evil form of Bella. But when I started playing the character more, I decided they needed a name. So, I called them Izzy and called it good, and eventually tied it with Isabellina, who is now its sister, their good half. When it started really developing, I gave them a full name, which is Elizabeth, though they prefer Izzy or Iz.


About: Izzy isn't a bad person, nor is it a good one. They're like the "Gemini" to Isabellina, in the sense that they came from fae.

When Isabellina started feeling gathered and anger towards the Mother of Sin, fae decided that she didn't want to go down that path. So, she gave those feelings a physical form, which resulted in her "evil" twin sibling.

Izzy isn't evil; they just don't take orders from anyone. If you insult or offend it, they will not hesitate to fight back.

Thet only ever come out when it's necessary, like when all other fighters are down. It actually loves all of the other souls dearly, they just doesn't like showing it.

Though their appearance and actions may seem rough and rude, it is, at heart, a good person. They are only classified as a "dark fairy" because it uses black ice magic. That, and their clothes are darker than a normal fairy's.

Izzy cannot fly due to its wing being broken. That was the incident that started turning them into the person it is.

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