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Full name: Veronica Maye Relica
Nickname: Vivi
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Omnisexual, ace
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: June 18
Zodiac: Gemini ♊
Species: Vampire/succubus
Soul gem: Pyrope
Weapon: Sword
Color: Red


Orgin: I came up with Veronica after watching the animes Vampire Knight and Diabolik Lovers. She originally just had fangs, claws, red eyes, and black hair. As I developed the character more, she started turning into more of a succubus/vampire mix, having red horns, bat wings, and a red heart tipped tail.


About: Veronica lived more than 500,000 years ago. She was the first Vampire to live, and one of Isabellina's sisters.

She tends to be distant and cold, but she can also be seductive; this is the general behavior of vampires.
While not much of a fighter, when she does fight, Veronica can seriously do some damage.

Veronica died by the hands of an enemy that was too strong even for her: the Mother of Sin.

Isabellina didn't want her sister to die, so she took her soul gem and infused it into her own body.

Both Isabellina and her reincarnation can call upon Veronica's soul, if they do please.

Veronica never really fell in love, but that's not to say that she's incapable. She just has extremely high standards, and hasn't met anyone who lives up to them.

While at first, she can seem a bit rude and evil, Veronica is actually just talking.
She may talk differently depending on how long it's been since she's fed on someone. As a vampire, she still has to live on blood.

Being merely a soul withing another body hinders this ability. She has a twin sister named Vidia, but they are different species.
The reason for this is because the Mother of Magic wanted to have diversity, so she created them at the same time, just differently.

Veronica doesn't say much these days, but when she does, she isn't as cold towards her companions as she would be towards others.

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