Chapter Three

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When I pulled into the parking lot, I regretted this immensely. I could see the boys all sat at a table by the window, all looking out. I took a deep breath before climbing from my vehicle and looking down at myself, making sure that my bump was concealed to the best of my ability. It was February so I could still get away with wearing my winter jacket. With one last deep breath I made my way into the restaurant.

"H!" I looked over at my three best mates and plastered on a fake smile before making my way to them. I sat down next to Liam, directly across from Louis. "Where have you been? What happened? Why did you leave?" I looked at Liam wide eyed, jeez I guess we're getting right to the point.

"W-well, uhm. Hi guys. I've missed you all." I looked at Louis and took note of how tired and, well for lack of better words, dead he looked. "I had some, uhm, health things that kind of over took my life, still is and will for a while." I reached my hand across the table and placed it on top of Louis' that was rested on the table already. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Lou. It was for the best that I left though. You wouldn't have wanted me to stay anyway."

He ripped his hand from mine and glared at me. "Bullshit! I fucking love you, H. No matter what, always and forever. What 'health things', huh?" I looked down at the table, which clearly pissed Louis off because next thing I knew he was slamming his fists down and screaming at me.

"You fucking left me! You piece of fucking shit! No letter, no explanation! I fucking get home from stunting with that bitch and you're fucking gone!" A tear rolled down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away. "You left me alone." He was whispering now.

"Bear, it was for the best. At least I thought it was at the time. Are you doing coke again?" He looked up at me, his eyes rimmed red and tears coated his cheeks. He scrubbed at his nose before nodding. I grabbed his hand and linked our fingers together. "You're so much stronger than this, than the drugs and alcohol. I can't come back with you like this, not now. Not with what's going on."

"Where have you been?" It was a quiet whisper from Niall but it made my heart hurt. "At mums, I made her and Gem promise not to tell you guys anything. To deny that they knew where I was." They all looked slightly angry but it was wiped away quickly when the food the boys ordered was placed in front of us. I thanked the waiter before he scurried away.

"Please tell me what's going on." I still had Louis' hand in mine so I just sighed and looked him in his eyes before smiling lightly. "I'm having a baby." I could see the hurt flash through his eyes so I quickly back tracked. "No, I didn't get anyone pregnant. You got me pregnant." I then pushed my jacket slightly to show my bump and all the boys gasped as Louis began to cry into his chicken.

I sighed and stood up from the booth, making Louis panic as he gripped onto my hand with both hands and begged me not to leave. "Bear, I'm not going anywhere. Li, can you please switch spots with Louis." Liam nodded and they switched spots quickly and I sat back down.

"If you want to be with me, I can't have my baby near drugs. I can't have one of her parents be a druggie. I love you so much but now this baby comes first."

"I'll go to rehab, I'll kick it. I promise, please, H. I need you. It's a girl?" I nodded, a smile on both of our faces now. I unzipped my jacket and shrugged it off my shoulders, I didn't care if anyone saw or got pictures. I places Louis' hand on my bump, making a choked sob escape his lips. "I'll get better for you guys."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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