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I woke up lying on the ground. I looked around and saw darkness. The ground was hard metal. Where am I? The air was cold, dark and stale. I walked and tried to find a way out, until I crashed into something that felt like a wall.

I felt around all the walls, up and down. They was like a rusty old cage on all four sides, and I soon realised there was no exit. It was like a box.

I tried to remember how I got here. Remember anything. Why couldn't I remember anything?

My name... B, B, B something. I probably used all my brain cells just to remember my name. Belle.. Bella, that's it.

"My name is Bella..." I whispered quietly to myself.

All of a sudden the box started moving upwards. Harsh sounds of chains and pulleys echoed the room, bouncing off walls making the room give a hollow whine.

I fell down at the sudden movement, sweat dripping from my forehead.

I pulled my knees to my body, wrapped my arms around my legs and dug my head into my knees.

Why on earth would someone have a creepy elevator with no doors, no light that doesn't stop moving?

My heart was pounding in panic and confusion, as fear ran up and down my spine.

The box continued moving upwards, and minutes passed. Minutes stretched into what felt like hours.

All of a sudden the box made a sharp stop. I must be at the top, wherever that is.

I could hear a buzzing sound, not like the casual bee buzzing, but electricity buzzing.

I don't understand how this could be possible.

Fear in my body was suddenly wiped away, when curiosity made it's way. I stood up in the darkness, breathing in and out the dusty air.

Flashes of the world passed through my mind; swimming in a pool, to walking through a peaceful park, to a plain road with houses each side, to the city with hundreds of people.

Yet I couldn't recognise anyones faces. I couldn't remember where I came from, or how I got here.

I couldn't think of one person I knew, any memories of simply anything about me, or even recall a single conversation.

With a loud screech doors above me started opened.

I looked up, but was suddenly blinded by the bright light peaking into the box from the small doors opening up.

Loud ringing sounds made a horrific ringing sound in my ears, as I clutched them with my hands trying to get the mind-killing sound to suddenly disappear.

The ringing sound stopped, as I realised the opening must be fully open.

Looking up, this blindness was a whole new level. I put my hands above my head, blocking the direct flash of light direct contact with my eyes.

Adjusting my eyes to the new found light, I saw shifting shadows, but they soon turned out to the shapes of bodies.

People were bending down into the box, looking at me wide-eyed, shocked and a little fraction of confusion.

There were a bunch of whispers, and I could hear a load of "Holy klunk!" "It's a girl!" "What does she look like?" "Hot or not?".

Boys? Why was there so many?

That was unexpected.

All around, what looked like all teenage boys, were all staring at me in disbelief.

"Alby! Newt! Get ya shuck-face over here!" Someone from the crowd of teens shouted into the distance.

On one side of the box, people were pushed back where three teens stood, just as surprised as all the others.

Must be the leaders, I thought.

"Erm... hi?" I said, unable to think of anything else to say. Why not say a greeting instead of bombarding them with questions?

"Where am I? Who are you?"

All the boys around the box kept on whispering, while the three at the front just still stared at me, until the brown skinned one spoke up.

A wave of confusion hit me like a tsunami, blistered with panic.

"I'm Alby. And welcome to the Glade."

Sorry, it's my first wattpad story and that's it's so short.

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