Chapter 1

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"Brooke!" I turned to my younger sister Aria. There was an ever present note of fear in her eyes as she ran towards me. Her dirty blond hair was pulled into a traditional braid and her usual plain attire had been replaced with a white dress.

"What is it Ari?"

"You have to get ready they are coming! Mamma has to do your braid."

I quickly thanked her and headed to the house. Mamma was already in my bedroom. I already knew who Aria was referring to. People called them the Testers. Even though they were official, it felt like the Testers did all the dirty work for the government. They came around to every village and city and yanked children's from their homes. Than they traveled miles to a secret place where they conducted the brutal testings. When people came back, they were scared of their shadows, and probably traumatized. If they came back.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I jogged up the grand staircase to my bedroom. I walked through the neatly painted hallway and creaked open my door. My mother was sitting calmly on my quilted bed with a hairbrush and spray by her side.

"Quickly Brooklyn." I scurried over and sat down on my quilt. Mamma began to yank and pull my hair into a beautiful Dutch braid. Once she was finished I changed into my nicest dress. I was putting in the pearl earrings that Papa had given me for my sixteenth birthday last month when I heard a knock at our door.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and than dashed out the door and down the carpeted staircase. Aria met me in the living room and we patiently waited for Mamma and Papa to greet our guests. Soon my parents entered the room with a strange man, an Enforcer.

"And these are our lovely daughters. Brooklyn," Mamma gestured to me," And Aria."

I glanced at our guest. He was stroking his beard as he studied us. I contained my shiver as his footsteps clicked towards me.

"Brooklyn." He nodded his head towards me,"How is your education going?"

I looked at my mom, wondering if it was appropriate to speak. When she nodded I spoke,"Great Sir, I have finished my third year of high school."

"Wonderful. And you Aria?" I hated the way he said her name. He sounded to familiar with her, like he was our friend.

"Umm. Good Sir. I got a 1 superior in class last week." She replied nervously.

He looked at her, and then back at me.

"Would you care to join us for a light snack?" My mom asked.

I snorted internally. It was not a light snack. We had been preparing this meal for days. I guess my mom thought that with enough food she could persuade them not to take us. Hopefully her plan worked.

"Thank you but unfortunately I am not here for pleasantries." He gave her a disapproving look, "They will have to undergo the testing."

"What? Why...." My mom trailed off when he glared at her,"Of course, we understand."

I audibly gulped. I knew it was a possibility but I didn't think it would actually happen. They said the testing was safe, but almost 2,000 had died from it.

I glanced at Aria. She was trembling with fright. She didn't think this would happen either. We should have known though, they were starting to get more desperate in their search.

"Have their bags packed in thirty minutes. One of our guards will personally come to pick them up at 1:00." With those words the Enforcer left. Two of his guards stayed behind to make sure we didn't try to run.

"Brooklyn go help your sister pack." My mom said quietly. I stood there for a moment, shocked by the turn of events. "Now Brooke." My mom scolded wearily.

I took my sisters hand and silently trudged up the stairs. " I don't need help packing." Aria mumbled.

"I know." I said. Aria didn't protest, she must have been really sad. Three months ago she turned seven, and ever since she has been trying to assert her independence. So her silence was scaring me.

"How many days should we pack for?" She asked.

I paused, I honestly had no clue how long we would be gone. We could be back in a week, we could be back in a year. What if we never come back? Would I ever see my parents again? Would I ever see my sister again? What if they seperated us? Would I ever hear my dogs bark as she chased after dragon flies and people? I realized then and there just how clueless we were to what the government did in the testing. No one was above it. I heard that one of the nobles daughters had been taken, and never returned. If they are willing to do that to a noble, what will stop them from doing that to us?

"Two weeks." I said, hiding my inner turmoil. I could be as scared as I wanted, but I wasn't going to let Aria see my fear. She was scared enough as it was. No seven year old should have to go through this.

She nodded and began to pull all sorts of clothes and toiletries into her bag. Once I finished with my bag I helped her check to make sure she had everything.


"Umm..." Aria dug through her bag, "Yup!"



"Tooth-" I was cut of mid sentence by my moms frantic calling.

"Aria! Brooklyn! Our guests are back!"

We grabbed our bags and hurried down the stairs. I saw the Enforcer just as he was leaving and heard a car rumble off. I was about to ask what we were supposed to do but my question was answered asTwo burly strangers were standing at the foot of the stairs. They looked impatient.

I turned to my parents. This might be the last time we see them. Aria wasted no time leaping into their arms. I followed her as I ran into the group hug.

We all stood there for a moment, trying not to think about when we might see each other again.

"My baby's. I love you no matter what." Mamma looked like she wanted to say something else but paused when she saw the guards behind us. " We will see you soon." She promised. We all hugged one last time and my dad gave us each a kiss on the head. I tried not to let my thoughts get to hectic, I didn't want to cry in front of strangers. Apparently Aria wasn't as shy about that.

Once we were finished the guards herded us out into a black limousine. They sat up front and we sat in the back. It wasn't to fancy, there were no special drinks or snacks waiting for us. Those treats were reserved for the high class.

" Don't worry ladies. This is only a routine check. I'm sure you will al be fine." The guard driving spoke. He had the personality of a grandpa, warm and welcoming.

"You are going to get us killed!" The other guard spoke. Aria whimpered next to me and I shot the rude guard a glare.

"What?" He said, "It's true! We cannot guarantee anything." He glared at the nice guard, "And we are not supposed to talk to the Undecideds!" With those parting words the guard lifted the divider between us and blocked out all sound from the front of the limo.

"What's gonna happen to us?" Aria asked. I could tell she was putting on a brave face.

"We will be fine." I whispered, " We will be just fine."

I pulled Aria into my lap and whispered words of comfort in her ear. Soon she was fast asleep.

Don't worry Aria. I don't plan on being here for long.


Hiiiiii! I hope you are liking the story so far! This chapter was very short but I promise they will get longer! I have big plans for the next chapter!!!

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