Chapter Eleven

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Should I be scared? Do you think I should be scared that here I sat on the hood of Evo's car in the middle of the forest? Why you may ask? Well for a fact that Evo forgot to refill his gas tank with petroleum and now here we are in this eerie forest.

Oh how nature makes me happy. Do you get my fluent sarcasm?

We're here in the daylight burning and turning into ash. Just kidding we're actually under a shade of a humongous tree that looked like a hundred years old. Good thing the car chose to stop under the tree or else we'd be fertilizer by now decomposing under the scorching sun.

Evo tapped my shoulder but I didn't turn to look at him and just responded with a "Mmm?"

"I'm just going to run down the gas station two towns away," I nodded then my eyes widened. Two towns?! That's far away but then I remembered his Vampire speed. I continued to nod and the next thing I know was that a whoosh sound surrounded the silent forest.

Listening carefully a lot of sounds made its way to my ears. The sound of a waterfall gallons of water falling into what smelled like clear water falls. Crickets making tiny noises, Birds tweeting and lastly the neutral heartbeat of a Grizzly Bear. Blood running through its veins circulating all over its body.

My eyes widened and my pupils dilated, my throat aching for the blood of it running down my sahara-like throat. How many days has it been since the last time I fed?

It felt like years. Years of hunger. Just like the years I spent with my mother. Yearly hunger, daily wear of my smelly and tattered clothes and the constant beating I get on a daily basis.

You ask how I survived? Well let's just say I had a friend named Ruby and she helped all throughout the years I was down. And I feel like it's because I wanted to be strong. No I did my best and stood my ground.

My breath hitched in my throat and I held it there for a while when I sighed because a silhouette emerged from the greenery thinking that it was Evo again deja vu washing over me.

But heck I was wrong because it wasn't him. Because if he ran to the gas station two towns away why would he come from the forest and then because the figure of the person was totally different from Evo's.

Something was off with.. it. It's not human and I could already sense it meters away. It's walk was slow and calm. Knowing its state it knows what I am.

My hands were starting to shake as it came closer step by step.

I swear just as I blinked and opened my eyes it disappeared from where it was and now I know it's behind me because I could feel its powerful aura affecting my state making me feel intimidated.

I wanted to scream. I tried to scream but its hand cupped my mouth and muffled my consecutive hails for help.

And there I realized something. That this person was just like me. A cold hearted bloodsucking Vampire. But this one isn't Evo. His aura brings a veteran feeling to it.

His hands cold as Ice making my snow-like skin feel warm and its frosty breath fanning my neck and ear. It made boiling hot tears roll down my porcelain face.

Then it spoke, "Tell your Master that we're coming. Not for him... but for you Enamortal."

Then it was gone. Countless trainings wasted. Tiring nights gone. I didn't even do anything, not even a weak punch in the gut.

I feel vulnerable all over again. The vulnerable feeling back again it feels like my mom slapping me all over again.

Punching me. People trying to get away from me.

Sweet Joannaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن