"I'm here!" You shouted from the kitchen.

"What are you doing??" Chanhee ran to you.

"Making dinner" you smirked.

"And you must be chanhee, am i right?" You added.

"Yeahhh, it's smell good." Chanhee stood beside you and smelled the food.

"Yuhuuu did you both miss me~!" Kevin shouted.

"Lol, ofc we are!" Changmin ran and hugged kevin.

"Younghoon.." eric poked his arm.

"Huh?" Younghoon said.

Eric pointed at you who's talking with chanhee.

"I guess you should talk too..go go" eric pushed younghoon.

"Hey!" Younghoon shocked.

"Huh?" You both said clueless.

"Oh hi" younghoon smacked Eric's shoulder.

"Wuu what is that?" Eric pointed and walks away to the living room.

"Duhh mushrooms.." you are chopping the mushrooms.

"Cause I'm your boy~" chanhee sang.

"auww" you accidentally cut yourself.

"Are you okay!" Chanhee grabbed your finger.

Younghoon wanna help but he looks at chanhee who's trying to help you.

"Hmm, i should take plaster.." younghoon said.

"Huh??" You look at younghoon.

He is searching for it. Huh... The plaster is in this drawer..right beside me..lol..

"Hey younghoon.. it's okay..i found the plaster" you smirked.

"Let me see your cut." Chanhee holds your hand and washes it off.

You look at younghoon..he look so jealous..

"Hmm, i guess i need to go" younghoon said.

"Oh.." Chanhee smiled.

You look at younghoon. Again... what's wrong with him.


"Hey eric..i gave up.." younghoon mumbled with his lazy walk.

"Yahh! Dont gave up..just try your best to get her back..."eric whispered.

"Anyway...we are staying here.." eric added.

"Hmm..." Younghoon hummed.

"Guys, the dinner is serve." You called them.

"Waaaaa it's look so delicious.." Eric shouted.

"Hehe.." you smirked.

So you guys sit like this (in the picture that i drew hahaha)

You guys eat well, chanhee stole your meat from your plate then you smack him

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You guys eat well, chanhee stole your meat from your plate then you smack him.

You look at you and he seem a bit frusted. You look at Eric who's looking at younghoon while talking to kevin.

"Hmm..i finished...thanks for the dinner." Younghoon walks to the living room.

Eric look at him, then eric also finished his meal and followed younghoon.

You are curious. Younghoon doesn't seem happy although you forgave him.


"Hey, younghoon.. why you're acting so weird....you seem less talk..." Eric taking out Kevin's xbox.

"I dont know..i have no one to entertain..."younghoon force his smile.

"Yahh...it will be okay..." Eric patted younghoon's back.

"Or..must i cancel the engagement??" Younghoon mumbled.

Eric smacked younghoon's back.

"Auch" younghoon moaned.

"Dont think about it... But if it is the right decision...you need to think wisely." Eric nodded his head.


After a few minutes they both left the dining table.

"I finished my meal..." You stand up.

Chanhee grabbed your hand and asked to stay for a bit more.

"Hmm... I need to spend my time with my fiance.." you smiled.

"Fiance?" Chanhee looks at kevin.

"Younghoon" kevin whispered.

"Hehe.." you left them.

"You didn't tell me" chanhee whispered.

"I thought you know.." kevin replied.

"Or i forgot about it..i dont know.." chanhee scratched his head.


You heard everything younghoon and eric conversation.

"Break the engagement??" You thought.

Shoul i do it or nahh.. i need some times...

You walk into the living room they both look shocked.

"Hey..what are you doing" you sit beside eric.

"Playing xbox..." Eric smirked.

"Ohh.. i wanna play too.." you poked his arm.

"Ok..you play with younghoon ok.." give you the joystick.

"What??" You held the joystick.

You guys enjoy your game then suddenly kevin walked into the room.

"Heyoo people.. we have plan tomorrow..join me?" he raised his eyebrows.

"What is your plan?" You asked.

"Hehe, let's go get some coffees" kevin smirked.


#kidda long hahah sorry for not updating lately cause I'm busy 😂 btw i also joining Ateez fandom called Atiny hahaha. Thanks for supporting my long lazy story hahaha thanks alot and dont forget to vote and comment#

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