The Challenge part 2

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Devna POV

I cant believe him. He just wants me to forgive him but he can't come up with a good enough explanation why I should. Just connect the dots really. Times like this makes me think I got the smarts and he has.... let's not think on that. He could have just look at me and see I was telling the truth. He would just believe  Zuri may he forgot that I put both them together. "Devna... can you hear me. DEVNA." Kion says worried.

I look at him "Sorry Kion I was just thinking about..."

"Davindar" says Kion interrupting me.

"It's just.... I want to forgive him but I want him to own up to what he has done. I just dont want him to break our trust again. I still dont understand why he wouldn't believe me."

"Devna I think..."


I turn and see Alieua run down the hill panting.

"Devna we have to go before they think you drop out."

I nod my head and follow her.

I'm  going to win this challenge challenge. My pride needs me so now I have win. I remember what my dad told me "You cant be a gazelle and hope to win be a LION and FIGHT TO WIN"

We get to where the fight will happen but I hear Draven say "About time you showed I was thinking you werent going to show up"

All I could say was "Let the battle begin"

We were circling each other until I spot that he has a small limp. He is old he wont be fast and agile. He still has the advantage of strength.

Finally he takes the first attack trying to jump on my back. I duck and claw his leg. He cant run as fast now. he doesnt show much defense. He claws me in my side. When he is trying to gain his footing I claw him in his eye and his other hind leg.

Now he cant jump or land correctly. I must take advantage now.

I was about to pounce on him but he manage to pin me down along with knocking the air out of me.

He goes down to my ear and wispers
"You know I killed you dad the exact same way and he was JUST AS WEAK AS YOOOU"

I bite his paw and scratch his face. I hiss out "DONT YOU EVER CALL MY FATHER WEAK".

Each word I'm able to hit him repeatedly to he falls to the ground.
One more blow and he is done. I swing my paw as hard as I can at him across his face. I back up seeing how is breathing started to slow then it stop.

He is died. I just killed someone. Someone who killed many others. Why do I feel so bad. I killed someone now I doubt that King Simba will let me in. Im a killer but they will call me a hero.


I look around and see everyone celebrating. I couldnt get the thought of killing someone out of my head. I turn around and see someone dragging his body away. They are celebrating on the spot I just killed Draven. They are cheering like a life wasnt just taken. I cant stay here.

I run and run until I found a waterhole feeling guilty wrap around me.

Davindar POV

I see Devna run away from the ground instead of cheering with everyone else.

She should be happy our lands are free from evil.  Why would she be running. I should tell Kion. I see Kion but he is talking to mom probably about Devna. Im going to go find her.

I follow her scent and see her lying down looking at the sun or now moon. Thinking carefully about my words I ask "Devna are you okay"

She turns around full of sorrow and answers mournfully "I just killed someone. Im a murderer. It was a good thing that I left the pridelands."

I flinch at seeing her full of sadness. She used to be happy even when my parents were training her to be weapon she would always have a smile.

"Devna your not a murderer. YOU ARE A HERO. You stuck by side with every mistake and I couldnt stick up for you once. Here you are challenging a male lion and winning. It wasnt a good thing that you left the pridelands because they lost the best thing had. I know you wont forgive me but dont discourage yourself. You won fair and square now that is in the past making it time to move forward."

Devna POV

Hearing those words from my brother made me notice how much I missed him. He is right Im the reason why theese lands is no longer in the presence of evil.

I stand up to say "Your right  the battle is done for and I cat change that. I forgive you Davindar even though you can be a prick you will still be my best friend. The pridelands better miss me because we are going home."

We walk back to the pride and see Kion running to us. Ths first thing that he asks "Did you two make up."

I answer " Yep we sure did. Otherwise you will have twins arguing the whole time back to priderock."

Lion Gaurd: Devna and DavindarWhere stories live. Discover now