8 Years Later

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It had been 8 years since Izuku was taken in by All Might. Izuku was now 15 he grown a lot since then but it wasn't without the hardship of not going to a public or private school but he had made friends with the local neighbor kids and one member of the todoroki family. Endeavor didn't know that his eldest son was on speaking terms with Yagis. Izuku frequently trained with Toya using a variety of quirks and styles to further himself. They were almost like brothers and Izuku never wanted to talk about his family he knew what the pain and suffering from parents felt like and he could tell Toya was going through it. The look in his eyes was always washed away when he would spend time with Izuku. He lightened up and let himself go from the stress but Izuku decide that he would ask about Toya's Family. He let it all out Endeavor being abusive, training his sibling to surpass Izuku's dad, and even kicking his mom out. Izuku decide that he would just like toya relaxed today.Something inside Izuku's soul burned almost like a hot green wildfire going through woods.While being on good terms with toya, he also met plenty of heros and of course he copied the quirks and refined them his favorite being Kamui's woods mixed with Edgeshots he called it Splinter-He could summon wood and manipulate the size, weight and density. It was powerful but he still had many others that he used.It was 1 months when All Might sat Izuku down to have a talk. He thought he was in trouble or something along that matter but he stress desolved quickly."Listen Izuku i have known this for the past 8 years I want you to be my successor for OFA i know you already know everything about and you also have the perfect body for the quirk you just need the push in the right direction. So do you accept the challenge of bring down the greatest evil."."YES!" was all Izuku managed to squeal out."GOOD NOW EAT THIS!" All might yelled proudly. Izuku quickly looked at the hair and placed it in his mouth and swallowed quickly.His whole body felt a ripple effect as his quirk detected quirk factor in the hair. It quickly took over the quirk granting to Izuku while also refining it to Izuku's current body. The quirk announced in his head You will only be able to use 5% of its current power but it shall increase and use your legs as thats your strong suit. After the message he was quickly brought back to real world. It seemed like only 3 minutes had past. His father looked stunned but quickly regained himself as he saw Izuku come back. "are you okay Izuku?" All Might asked. "Yes it was just my quirk lets get training." Izuku replied happily. All Might led Izuku to his training room. It was almost as big as a airplane hangar. They stood at opposite sides All Might announced "When i drop my hand we start.". Izuku just nodded he felt the power but using quick think figured out that he should spread the power through his entire body. The hand dropped and like that Izuku shot off like a bottle rocket. He decide that he would use his kick style called shoot style. All might quickly came in for a punch in the solar plexius but with a quick reaction Izuku twist his body upside down and then slam kicked all might's head.He thought that would be enough to bring him down but he was quickly corrected as a giant fist slammed into his chest and he ended up in the wall. His mind was about to find but he felt something from inside him burn brighter and soon his entire legs and arm were cloaked in green flames."ONE FOR ALL SPECIAL FORM: Cremation Shoot Style!". It quickly gave him an advantage on all might even stunning him for a little while but that was quickly changed when the flames were silence by a wind blast and with one more punch Izuku was on the ground. All Might cheered up "I thought i lost there for awhile but as you work your body more then you will also increase you power and mixing one for all with different quirks could lead to a heavy advantage.". Izuku still gasped for air but murmured out "Th-thanks.". All might picked the boy up and carried him out of the room saying "Thats it for training of the day.". Izuku quickly faded into a slumber but something in his memory show him a friend he had long forgotten.

HI i will most likely try to get 1-2 chapters out sooner as i have been slacking also i wondering if you guys would like any specfic ships i was considering fem todorkoi x deku or Izuku x jiro but i will leave it up to you guys you are able to suggest anything other than that i hope you liked my chapter and if there is anything i can improve on please tell me - author

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