6. Rules

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The day went by slowly but when I finally heard the door open, I jumped up and ran to Landon.
"Did you give him the message?'' I must've surprised him because he backed up.
''What?'' He was looking at me as if I were a rare animal. ''Oh! To your friend? Yeah, easy peasy.''
"So?'' I pressed. Landon definitely wasn't a talker. Normally, I'd be glad about that but now, it was annoying.
"So what?'' He took off his backpack and hung up his coat.
"What did he say? Did he believe you?"
"Kyle did. The other one-"
"David?'' I said before he could.
"Yeah, that one. He didn't.'' Landon walked towards the kitchen so I followed.
"What do you mean he didn't?'' I was getting tired of having to drag answers out of the kid.
"He said something about you never being sick and that we didn't even know each other.''
I didn't know whether to smile because he knew me so well or to be annoyed that he didn't believe Landon. I shrugged it off and decided it would be something to deal with later on. For now, I just needed to convince my brother to let me go to school. But how? Maybe, if I annoyed Stefan more, he wouldn't want to see me either, like Marcus. That could be my ticket to school.

So the rest of the week, I made it my mission to make Stefan be so annoyed with me, he'd send me away. I would barge into his office frequently, interrupting meetings. I'd be flirting with all the gang members, annoying both Stefan and Marcus. Two birds, one stone. It also didn't help I was locked up all day, never being able to go outside. Nobody dared to let me since Stefan had threatened everybody with a gun. I'd secretly tried to somehow break the stupid scanner but no such luck. As the end of the week came closer, I overheard a conversation between Stefan and Marcus, right before I wanted to barge in. But since they were talking about me, I stopped and decided to listen in. "This can't go on any longer.'' Stefan said. I smiled, I'd achieved something.
Marcus sighed before answering. ''I told you from the beginning that it was not a good idea to lock her up." I rolled my eyes at this. As if he knew what was good for me. The bastard. It became quiet in the room. I didn't notice the door opening until Stefan coughed. I tried to give him my most angelic face as he was looking down on me. He opened the door for me, gesturing to come inside. It felt as if I was being invited to the lion's den but I went in anyway.
''We've decided-'' Stefan started but I immediately interrupted him.
''We?'' I looked at Marcus and back at Stefan. Unbelievable.
"I,'' Stefan corrected himself, "have decided that you may start school again.''
I almost smiled. Almost.
"There are rules, of course.'' Stefan continued.
"Rules you have to follow.'' Marcus intervened. He didn't look at me as he said it. So he didn't see me giving him a death glare.
"What is this?'' I finally asked. I gestured from Stefan to Marcus and back to indicate what 'this' meant. They both looked at me as if I was crazy.
"What do you mean?" Stefan raised an eyebrow at me and Marcus mirrored his expression. At least I'd gotten their attention.
"This! Whatever 'this' is." I couldn't explain it any clearer than that.
"I'm not staying for this.'' Marcus stood up and left, leaving me and Stefan behind in an awkward silence.
Stefan was the one who broke it.
''Marcus has proved himself to be worthy of my trust.''
"I don't get it. You two used to hate each other.'' I couldn't count how many times they'd almost fought because they disagreed. Stefan could be very cold and professional while Marcus used to be very warm and care about other people's feelings. They were like fire and water. How many times I was the one in the middle of their fights, trying to mediate.
"It's just the way it is." Stefan sighed, obviously tired of this conversation.
"There you go again.'' I rubbed my forehead. ''You always shut me out.''
"Why do you make everything so damn difficult?" He put his hands in his hair as he let his head fall onto the desk. A part of me felt bad for him, he was obviously tired but another part was just mad at him. And as usual, that part of me won. I stood up and walked out of his office. I bumped into Julio on my way upstairs.
''Fought with the Boss? Again?'' He must've seen the look on my face when I ran into him.
I didn't answer since it was obvious we had fought. I just crossed my arms and leaned against the railway.
Julio ran his hand through his hair, a gesture I'd never seen him do.
''I didn't know you two could fight even more than before you left.'' He chuckled and I couldn't help but smile a little.
''Neither did I.''
What would I do without Julio? He was the only one keeping me sane in this house.
"I'm going for a quick errand but want to Netflix all night after?'' Julio suggested.
"Depends, what errand?'' I raised my eyebrow, hoping he got the hint.
"Popcorn and candy were just added to the list.'' He smiled and left. That smile of him made me forget the fight I'd just had with Stefan. 

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