Take These Chains From My Heart

Start from the beginning

"Its okay." Linda offered quietly, pulling Louise into a hug, running a hand over her now weeping daughters hair. "I know you are so close to him. I know."

Louise sobbed harder.

"I want in." Gene's voice drifted across the room. Linda held her hand out, wiggling her fingers.

Gene launched across the room, wrapping a hug around everyone. Tina smiled, warm and comfortable and okay for the first time in a long time.


"Dad?" Tina peered around the service window. "You shouldn't be at the grill right now." She frowned as Louise handed a plate over.

"I'm a grown man, Tina." His voice sounded thin and gravelly. The chemo was exhausting him. "I physically can't be away from my restaurant. I need it."

"Just let him, Tina." Louise whispered. "It helps him. Just look."

Tina closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before looking at her father again. Louise was right in a way. His skin was more rosy, his eyes brighter. He even seemed to be more alert and attentive - not one of his burgers or fries were burnt. Tina smiled, nodding, before taking the plate to the booth.

"Thank you." The older woman smiled. "Interesting burger of the day though." She frowned at the chalk board.

Tina turned. Embarrassment and laughter rose in her simultaneously.

"The Abortion." Tina snorted, "Oh my God. Comes with broken yolk egg." Louise saluted with a spatula from the service window. "Classic Louise."

The door jingled.

"Hey guys." Rudy announced as he strode through the door, "It's almost my shift. I brought you some snacks, sweetie."

"Rudy!" Louise snapped, her cheeks red. The huge smile on her face belied her emotions. "Don't call me that at work!"

"Sorry dear." He grinned, dodging a tomato slice as it sailed through the air and landed on a table.

Tina groaned, "Louise, I have to clean that up."

"I know." She frowned, "Blame Rudy, he's the one who dodged it."

"Your aim was way off." He shot back, rounding the bar to grab an apron and punch in.


Tina moaned, slouching down further on the park bench. Her phone was tucked into her spandex, wireless Bluetooth headphones blaring something upbeat and catchy though she could no longer hear the words. The day had been a blur after Rudy had clocked in and she had been glad for the extra help in the kitchen. Bob moved slower than usual so the lunch rush had been nearly murderous though the customers stayed generally upbeat and happy. Teddy sat in his usual seat adding his commentary.

It had been weird without Mort, but when he had married he had moved out West to be with her aging parents and Tina could respect that. She understood that. At one point she had seen Zeke bussing tables across the way, but she still hadn't made up her mind on what to do or how to approach him.

"Hey girl!"

Tina groaned, closing her eyes and slouching further down on the bench before realizing what a hot mess she must have looked like. Quickly she sat back up, rearranging her shirt and pulling her hair from the messy ponytail, running a hand through the sweaty wet tangle. She looked up and frowned.


"Tina." He sat down beside her, she felt him looking at her. "Just finished your workout?"

"Yeah..." She sighed, slouching forward. "I pushed myself too hard. I feel like I'm gunna puke."

He sat a little stiffer, "Where's your drink?"

She shook her head.

"Your recovery bar?"

She turned and caught his gaze out of the corner of her eye.

"Tina... did you at least do a cool down lap?"


He stood in a flourish, cutting her off, "Alright girl. Let's go." He wrapped his hand around her wrists and pulled her to her feet.

Tina wobbled a little, "My legs are jello." She moaned, a hand going to her stomach. "Uhg..."

"Alright, alright." He pat her arm.

She was startled by how warm his touch was. His hands oddly soft, yet rough. The callouses from sports and smooth patches from severe burns caused a myriad of sensations on her bare arms. She hated it. She loved it. She took a wobbling step, then another, frowning into Zeke's grinning eyes.

"Like a newborn fawn." He teased, guiding her gently around the paved track.

"You're weirdly gentle." She let slip, "I mean. You're all big and muscular. But you're treating me like I'm porcelain."

"Would you rather I let go?" He turned his gaze out to a couple playing fetch with their dog in the sunshine.

Tina fought with her pride and her need. "I'm not sure I can stand well just yet." She peeked through her lashes, catching the ghost of a grin that skittered across his face.

He really was handsome, with a bit of inspection maybe. She amended.

"I'm sorry about your dad, Tina." He broke the silence.

She shrugged, "It's okay. He's... he's doing well. He refuses to be the sick guy, you know?"

Zeke nodded, "He was a huge role model for me. I hung out with Jay-Ju a lot. His dad's a jerk. I'm glad the twins moved away for college, they deserved better than a dad who loved them sometimes. You know?"

Tina shrugged, pushing off his arm and standing on her own. Their paced slowed further but he let her go and slowed to walk beside her. The image amused her; the small strides must have been nearly physically painful.

"What about you Dad?"

"I guess you don't know too much about him, huh?" Zeke frowned. It was a rare expression for him. "We sort of made up. We're closer now than we were before." He amended, "He's still jumping from girlfriend to girlfriend, but I guess we all have our own problems."

"We do." Tina agree. "I think I put other people first too often. Even as a kid I put their wants above my needs or responsibilities."

"Yeah." Zeke agreed, "but you were always putting us into fun situations. I think... I think I'm too stubborn." He sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "I don't know when to let go of a lost cause. I don't know when a cause is lost."

An air of discomfort settled around them as they neared the bench again.

"Alright Tina. I gotta go do my workout, but I'll stop by and grab a burger later. Your restaurant is hoppin'!"

Tina smiled, her stomach knotted. "I think it's Louise. Her burgers of the day always cause a stir."

"I saw some on Instagram." He laughed. "The actual burgers do look amazing, despite their names." His grin widened and his eyes took on that glint she remembered from school when he had an idea. "I can't wait to chef at your place, Tina. I have so many recipes and ideas. There-s this one-"

Tina paused beside Zeke at the bench, frowning. "Why don't you?"


"Why don't you ask Louise? Now? I'm sure she'll let you-"

"No." He cut her off, "Nope. No. I've got plans first girl."

"Oh. Okay. Well, see you Zeke."

"Yeah, see ya!"

She watched as he jogged off. She'd never noticed before now but damn he was cut.

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