Chapter Forty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Quinton blinked his eyes, likely trying to come up with an excuse. He nodded his head slowly before continuing. "We felt that her knowledge as a Mointeach would be valuable for interrogating the man. Fortunately, it seemed to work." Quint paused, before adding, "My Lord, she's scary as fuck."

William cocked up his eyebrow while watching Quinton. He slowly raised his hand up and pressed two fingers against his temple above his eyebrow. He decided to ignore Quinton's last comment, since it didn't exactly fit well with his father's statement of leading with his head. "Where exactly was Sir Seán, then?" William tossed out, referencing a Mointeach knight.

Quint fell silent. He shuffled his steps slightly. Initially, William assumed he fell silent because he figured out he was wrong. However, the more Quint remained silent, the more Will figured out that wasn't the case. "Sir Seán was moving Parker, My Lord."

"Sir Parker." William snapped instantly, hating that Parker's title be dropped for a moment. With Parker being brought up in the slightest, William could feel himself getting a bit less under control. Suppress. Suppress. Suppress. "You're dismissed, Sir Quinton."

Quinton widened his eyes at the sudden dismissal but respectfully bowed his head, backing out of the room. From Quint's eyes, Will could tell that he wasn't done telling the news. However, Will also knew that he didn't want to hear anymore. Not right now. If it was important, Quinton would be insistent and stubborn on staying. If it wasn't, Will's father would handle it. Will wasn't king yet, after all.

The moment the door snapped shut, William leaned forward on his desk. He took a slow, calming breath and squeezed his eyes closed. Today was not an easy day. Tomorrow wasn't going to be any easier. Days following wouldn't likely seem too happy as well. However, some day, it would get easier.

Until William becomes King.

Then it would be a shitfest.

William shifted his gaze down to his desk again and closed his eyes. His chest hurt - it felt constricted, though Will was able to figure out it was simply because of emotions. A part of Will wished he was more like his father in being able to ignore his heart and solely remain logical while running the kingdom. However, it took training and practice. Will had been practicing for years as it was - though it looked like he would continue to be practicing for years on as well.

After roughly five minutes sitting at his desk, William abruptly stood up. He stepped around his desk and sat himself down on the floor in front of his fireplace. Working would have been nice but he wasn't doing anything. It wasn't helping anything.

What Will did want was the sun to set. He wanted to leave the castle and head out to the tavern - just like he had promised Parker and Seán at the tournament. Before Parker was murdered.

"Fuck it," Will muttered under his breath and stood up onto his feet. He clasped his sword onto his waist and began to step over to the door of his bedroom, pulling it open. The guards at his door were slightly surprised that William was leaving his room to begin with. Before they could even speak, William began to walk past the guards and head down the hallway.

The guards stumbled slightly in surprise but began to follow after William. "No need." Will stated, raising up his hand. He turned around and shifted his eyes from the guards down to his brother's door. "Please assist in guarding Prince Henry."

The guards gave a slightly confused look but listened. They dipped their heads respectfully before walking away, heading towards Henry's room.

Will turned around and began to head the opposite direction. Though he got a few curious looks, no one stopped to speak with him. No one, except Charlin.

Seeing that the Prince was on a mission, Charlin turned himself around and began to walk with the Prince. "My Lord, where are you heading?" He asked, stepping next to the Prince. Just like Quinton, Charlin knew to be formal with the Prince.

"Tavern." William stated without expression, continuing to walk.

Charlin gave a slightly surprised but understanding look. He nodded his head and continued to walk to the Prince. However, Charlin was wise about one thing. Leaving the Prince alone wasn't the best idea. "Mind if I join you, My Lord?"

Will waved his hand and accepted the offer. From there, Charlin and William continued to head towards the tavern. Instead of taking the horses, the two men merely walked down the streets of Caelfall until they approached the tavern.

As expected, the tavern was in full swing. It always was crowded and busy with drunk men - no matter the day. William and Charlin pushed themselves up to the front. Charlin leaned against the counter and immediately requested for two glasses of mead.

"Four." William said emotionlessly. He glanced towards Charlin. "Cut the bullshit. We're getting drunk."

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