I Know You

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It's been a few years now since...everything happened. The Resistance was finally able to take out the First Order, as nothing but a power hungry General and a very emotionally conflicted Kylo Ren were leading the whole thing.

In the end, Kylo Ren finally accepted himself as Ben Solo and tried to rejoin the light. But Rey...Rey had been badly injured in the final battle. A strong blow to her head caused her amnesia when she woke up several months later. Finn had nearly worried himself to death that his friend would never wake up. Poe and Rose did all they could to console the ex-stormtrooper, but they knew nothing would truly help.

Upon Rey waking up, Finn had bombarded her with questions to which she had answered, "Who are you?"

Finn thought she was joking but when General Leia had walked in and Rey had asked the question again, Finn broke down crying. 

Rey was gone for good. His Rey.


But not all hope was lost. Rey regained bits and pieces of her memories. Nothing too important, unfortunately, but she was able to remember she had lived on the desert planet Jakku and that her name was indeed Rey. She got along fine with Finn, Rose and Poe, and things were almost as if she never lost her memory at all.

In the first few months Rey was awake, everyone was wondering, could she still use the force? Does she know it exists?

And ultimately, Rey hadn't known. She was just as she was before. A normal girl with an unknown ability raging inside her. 

It had been normal for years.


Ben Solo was not apart of his mother's army. Ben Solo was not apart of any army. He was simply on his own, he insisted it after finding out about Rey.

Without his balance in the force, who was he?

He was a broken, hollow shell of a man, wandering the galaxy, discovering new species, new places. Anything to distract his mind from the beautiful girl he had once seem himself beside. And in power. 

He had tried and tried to connect to her through the force, but it seemed he was unable as she couldn't remember she had been once able to use it.

One day however, Ben felt something stir in the air around him. He could sense it. The force connection they had. It was opening up again, after so many years. 

He looked all around him, wondering where she would appear. He heard her laugh first. His heart beat picked up. 

And then there she was. Laughing, sitting, looking comfortable, hair loose around her shoulders. He'd never seen it like that. He watched her, unable to breathe. She was still beautiful, and radiant. She looked older and happy. 

She looked over and met his eyes, clearly having also felt the air shift. Something electrifying ran through him. 

"Guys, who's that man?" She asked, curiously, pointing at Ben. 

He heard a muffled, "What man?" A girl's voice. 

He then heard a muffled sigh, "Rey, it's getting late. I think you should some rest." Ben recognized the voice. The traitor. Though he didn't care too much about that anymore.

"Yeah, you're right. Um, good night guys," she was looking at her friends. She glanced back at Ben and shook her head. "I must be seeing things," she mumble to herself. 

She walked out of the room and Ben could tell now she was alone. 

"Rey," he called out. She stopped and turned immediately. She stared at Ben, long and hard.

"You're not really here, are you?" She asked. Ben shook his head. "And they couldn't see you. But I can see you. And you can see me." 

Ben could feel the wheels in her brain turning as she tried to figure out what was happening. 

"It's...it's the force, "Ben told her softly. Her eyes widened. 

"The force?" She echoed. He walked towards her, surprised she didn't back away. As he neared her, she could see a scar running from above his eye and down his face and neck, disappearing into his shirt.

Seeing this triggered something deep inside Rey. She took a step towards him and reached her hands up. She rested them on either side of his face, surprised to feel his skin, even though he wasn't here.

Ben closed his eyes. She was intoxicating. She didn't know what she was doing to him, to his heart. When he opened his eyes moments later, she was still staring at him, taking in all the features of his face. He looked...sad and broken, as he stared down at her. Her lips were parted in fascination and something in her eyes lit up.

"I know you," she whispered slowly. 

This caused Ben to gasp. There was no way.

No way, of all the people she able to remember.

It shouldn't be him.

"You're...Ben. Ben...Solo," Rey revealed. She sounded like a child piecing together a simple math problem for the first time.

Ben knew his eyes were glossy, could feel his lips trembling. 

"I...I loved you," she confessed. Ben almost let out a sob, but he held it in and closed his eyes feeling the tears finally spill over. 

"You're crying," she whispered, and tilted her head a little, almost like she was asking why he was crying.

"Rey," he breathed out and dropped his head to her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her waist. He was shuddering. And Rey didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Ben," she whispered into his hair. Suddenly Rey felt something inside her align. She pulled back to look in his eyes again. The only pair of eyes she had ever seen in her dreams. Finally, she had a face to match them to.

And it was quite a nice face. Even with the faded scar.

"I think...that I still do," she spoke softly. "I don't know how, but I feel it."

"I feel it, too," he smiled through his tears and wow, had that felt good. Ben hasn't been happy like this in God knows how long. "I love you, Rey. I have for a long time." He confessed it confidently, something he was never able to do before.

"I know, somehow, I've always known," Rey said, seemingly lost at how she knew these things. 

Ben flicked his gaze to her lips, finding this the perfect moment to do what he's wanted to do for years. 

He leaned down and pressed his lips softly to hers. 

It was like magic

Rey gasped and kissed him back immediately. Something definitely clicked into place. Something big.

She pulled away, and Ben looked confused. Before he could say anything, she said, "Ben. Ben Solo, used to be Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the First Order. And the Resistance...we...we defeated you. And I was looking for you. I was looking for you in the debris and falling ash and the destruction. I couldn't find you. I thought...I thought you were gone...dead. And then everything was black. For so long..." She was breathless.

Ben drank every word she confessed to him. He was overcome with so many emotions he was shocked he hasn't exploded yet. 

"I remember," she breathed slowly. So slowly. "And that scar," she traced it, "I gave it to you. In a forest, a crumbling forest. I'm sorry."

Ben chuckled a little through his tears and held her close, "It's okay. Rey, it's all okay."

"Ben, where are you? Come home. Come home to me," Rey pleaded. 

He nodded and answered, "Of course, sweetheart. I'll be there soon, I promise. I love you." And then he kissed her forehead and the connection ended, leaving Rey alone in the hallway.

"I love you, too."


credits the artist, this is one of my favorite reylo pictures

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