Take It

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Rey sat upon the hips of her equal, trying to ignore every nerve in her body that screamed at her to ravish the man under her until she couldn't breathe anymore. She was only trying to tease him, not realizing it would affect her just as much.

She was wearing his old mask, as a joke, and using the Force to peer into his thoughts as he had done to her months before.

"You know I can take whatever I want," she recited, repeating his exact words, the mask hiding the smirk on her lips.

Ben Solo was everything but calm. His heart was racing, his breath was hitched, his eyes were widened, and he knew his smaller self was very excited. He stared up at the girl he used to think of as nothing more than a dirty scavenger. Her arm was outstretched toward his face, digging around in his head. And he was trying his best not to let all those electrifying thoughts reach her head.

But it was no use, because she had read them, and to his surprise, she let him read her thoughts, too.

Suddenly not being able to hold anything back any longer, Ben pushed himself up on his elbows and then reached up to take off the mask. Rey's face was flushed red and her hair was a beautiful mess framing it. Her lips were parted slightly, as she was taken aback by his sudden movements.

"Then take it," Ben almost growled in a low voice in response to her earlier statement.

Rey let out a gasp and her cheeks got impossibly redder. She knew exactly was she wanted to do, but she was too shocked to move.

Instead, Ben pushed himself up further on one hand, using the other to cup the back of Rey's neck and pull her lips to his. The second they met, Rey was suddenly full of life again and she immediately wove her fingers in his thick hair to pull him closer. This earned her a sexy growl from Ben that almost made her whimper.

He pulled her down so she was laying on him and his arms went around her waist, feeling her all over. And Rey, not being able to control herself, decided to move her hips, ever so slightly. Ben stilled at the sudden friction, feeling his pants get tighter.

"Again," he groaned. He wanted to feel her do that. He needed to feel her do that. So she did, a little harder this time and longer. Ben moaned into her mouth and she couldn't help but smirk at the reaction.

With the kissing and the grinding, Ben thought he would explode. Having such a beautiful girl lying on top of him, giving him the pleasure he'd always wanted was something indescribable and almost emotional. Rey kept moving her hips and soon felt Ben move his, too. It was her turn to moan. She even broke the kiss for it.

"Again," she repeated him, quite breathlessly.

Rey needed Ben. In all ways, on all levels. It had been so hard to resist him all this time, the tension that built up between them was thick and unforgiving. And finally, they would get their release.

"Let's go inside," she whispered and he kissed up and down her neck. She felt him nod against her and she started to sit up but he held her to him. Instead, Ben sat up, keeping Rey attached to his chest and stood up, with her legs wrapped around his waist. He took the moment to look her eyes. They were glassed over and bright, and very, very excited.

Ben was ready to give the satisfaction she wanted. The satisfaction she needed.

And she was ready to have it all.


Credits to the artist because it is definitely not me

~Reylo OneShots~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt