"How am I supposed to even do this? Our house is way too small."

"That's the good part. I got some land for away from any people to build kennels and house as many as we can get."

"I love you, Liam." Bridget threw her arms around Liam and felt him wrap his arms around her. "You know how to make a girl's dream come true."

"My girl's dream is always gonna come true. And I know you're gonna change minds about these dogs."

"Thank you so much, Liam."

"Anything for you, babe."

"Why are you wasting your money on all of this for me?" Liam pulled away bit intertwined his hands with hers.

"I'm passionate about you and about singing. You're passionate about saving these dogs and I thought it would be nice to have something for us to both do. Back at home, Louis and Eleanor are watching the dogs. I actually had Harry had a dog from you until our honeymoon."

"Liam, I love you." Bridget pressed her lips to his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Liam kissed back and squeezed her hips. "What else did you get me?" Liam smiled against her lips and kissed her once more. He pulled out some boxes and sat them in front of Bridget. The first couple of boxes had some shirt she had wanted and the last had a blanket with a picture of her and Liam as babies. Bridget felt a tear go down her cheek. Liam wiped it away with his thumb as Bridget pulled out one last thing. A small baby blanket with a picture of her, Liam, Louis, Eleanor, Harry, Taryn, Niall, and Grace that had been taken shortly after Harry and Taryn got together.

"My mum helped me get these. Since I know we wouldn't do much except be together on our honeymoon." Bridget looked up at Liam.

"Why don't we go home then?"

"Are you sure, babe?"

"Yeah. We're not gonna do much and why don't get just go celebrate with the family?"

"Then we go home then."


Liam and Bridget began the drive back to London. They had stayed in Paris and were driving back to London. As they arrived in London, Bridget's phone vibrated. She saw that it was Louis.

"What's going on, Lou?" Bridget answered the phone.

"We have a problem." Louis said on the other end with a serious tone.

"What's wrong Lou?"

"How far are you?"

"Just getting into London. What's going on?"

"Just get to your house and we'll talk." They hung up the phone and Liam and Bridget shared a look. They eventually made it to the house where they were greeted by Paulie, Lady, Loki, and the Pitbull that Liam was talking about. A black female with white on her chest and her ears cut so low. Bridget ave her a quick pat and walked inside. She would get to know the dog later. As she walked in, Louis stood there with a concerned look on his face.

"What's going on, Lou?" Bridget asked walking up to him. As she got next to him, she turned and saw Durk sitting on the couch. He had puffy eyes and tried up tears on his face. "Durk, what's wrong?" He handed an envelope to her and she opened it up.

"What does it say?" Liam asked. Bridget felt her pulse rising making her angrier.

"They did it again." Bridget replied handing the paper to Liam. It pretty much says that Bridget is now Durk's legal guardian. "They got rid of another damn child." Bridget sat next to Durk only to have Durk start crying and put his head in her lap. "I'm sorry, Durk." Bridget ran her hands through his hair as she tried to get him to quit crying.

"I came over and he was sitting here." Louis spoke up grabbing his jacket.

"Thanks Lou." Bridget replied. Louis nodded and walked out letting the four dogs back in.

"Here, I'll take him and let him get some sleep." Liam said gently pulling Durk towards him. Bridget nodded as Liam picked the 14-year-old boy up and carried him to his room. Bridget looked down at the ring on her finger. But she couldn't stop the ending thoughts of why her parents would do this to another child. Liam eventually came back down and sat down next to Bridget.

"So much for celebrating for something happy." Bridget spoke up a she read over the paper.

"Why would they do that again?" Liam asked looking at her as Loki and Lady climbed onto the couch.

"I don't know but I'm gonna find out." Bridget stood up and grabbed her car keys.

"Where are, you going?"

"To talk to my mother and father."

"Want me to come with?"

"No, you stay with Durk for me. I'll be back." Bridget kissed Liam and then walked out.

She drove to her parents' house to find them packing up. Maggie immediately saw her daughter.

"Bridget, what are you doing here?"

"You know exactly what I'm doing here, mum. Why did you give up yet another child? Don't you care at all for them or your dead son?"

"Of course, I do. I couldn't handle Durk anymore. He was always saying he hated us and he wanted Kurt back. I told him if he didn't stop it, I'd send him to you."

"Because you knew that I hated how your parenting styles are."

"Yes, and he said he wanted to go with you."

"So, you gave up your child without blinking? You gave up another child who was too much to handle? To think I was anywhere near forgiving you." Bridget started to walk away.

"Bridgie, please let me explain." Bridget turned around.

"You lost the right to call me Bridgie, the day you left me. And by the way, congratulations, you're gonna be a grandma. But you'll never see your grandson." Maggie's jaw dropped as Bridget got back in her car.

Stress Comes Again (#2)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now