Chapter Thirteen : Recall

Start from the beginning

"Shut up, Zee." Harry chided and took Louis in his arms who grumbled due to the sweat covering his arms.

"But that isn't interesting, Your Highness," Niall mocked with an intonation of derision, Reus here notified us on some very interesting happenings after the battle of Reaper's Meadow."

"They overheard me talking to the Royal Highness," Reus explained to Nick who quickly turned to the Emperor, I swear to God, I told only Reus, nobody else!"

The Emperor shook his head in disapproval while Louis laughed at his demeanour, Thats how a secret becomes a rumour, Nick." Louis informed him with obviousness painted on his face.

"What am I missing?" Liam questioned, confusedly, as he looked amongst his peers.

"I have sent for breakfast near the stoned pergola. That's what you're missing." Harry placed before them and gestured to follow him.

"You aren't getting out of this, Harry!" Niall tutted. "And neither are you, Liam!"

The Emperor was livid. The battle of Reaper's Meadow had just concluded in victory for Imperium. With another province conquered near the Midlands, Emperor Harry Styles had taken another step in the direction of absolute rule over Cynthia but this victory seemed very desolate. Probably because of the Beta who had been laying before him fighting for his life, yet again.

Why Louis always was at the apex of death, he did not know. He was so diligent in getting almost killed, the keyword being almost. It was as if death always came an inch close to take away his life but by some twist of fate, he would elude it. Always. But the time period where he wasn't thoroughly alive nor completely dead was excruciating. And Harry hated that. The pain was a gift to him from the heavens and he bore it with dignity, as long as Louis was left unscathed. Louis was the one weakness, he never wanted to have. The one person in whom his world pooled down into and nobody, not even the blue-eyed man himself was aware of the amount of consequence he held.

As of now, Louis had been rushed into the healing tent in the camp to tend to injury where a sword had plunged at the side of his arm, nearly cutting it. Another sword had attempted on his lung but had missed by a very small shot and all this had occurred because Niall wasn't able to defend himself at the exact moment and Louis cast himself in between. Even though he had deflected most of the attacks, he couldn't stop these two which was why the Emperor was livid. Very vivid.

He was informed about this occurence after an hour of retreating to their base camp and his temper had immediately reached the roof. And often where he summoned his temper to the max, he was extremely rational, unlike so many people who lost their reasoning when their tempers flared, he didn't, unless Louis was involved. Unless the one person who he actually cared for was involved. That was when he grew irrational. Where Louis was concerned. And usually, he could still cloak his temper but the day had been too long and the fight too exhausting causing a full-blown scolding at the poor blonde Omega who had tears filled in his eyes as he bore it.

"This is the reason I didn't want you in the army because all you Omegas are a-"

"-that's enough!" A voice reprimanded the Emperor.

Louis strolled inside without permission, he was bandaged up very shabbily. Clutching onto his abdomen with his injured hand, he limped to Niall, It's all right."

"But Lou, it's because of me. It's because I-"

"-it isn't. Niall, I will be fine. Now what I would like you to do is take some rest, yeah?" Louis smiled, a pained smile, Im already recovering which is why I got up and came here."

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