Makoto | Fate?

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You've been dating Makoto for a couple of months now.

You two met in the university's library. Since exams were coming up, the library was packed. You two ended up sitting at the same table. You didn't talk to her at first, you were quietly minding your own business and trying to focus on your work. You were struggling with it, the material was difficult and you were having trouble understanding. You glanced to Makoto, and noticed that she was doing the same assignment you were doing. You struck up a conversation, and found out that you two were in the same class. You two decided to study together, and with Makoto's help you were able to better understand the material. As you studied, you both realized that you had a lot in common, so you decided to hang out more.

When you two first hung out, you were mostly doing school-related things. You would sit next to each other in class, and study together at the library after school, though eventually you would go out in to the town, watching new movies that came out and playing games at the arcade. Over time you developed feelings for her. Though you were scared of how she would react, you eventually confessed to her.

Fortunately for you, she felt the same way, and you starting dating. The two of you were very close, and were very open and depended on each other. Though, there was one thing that you kept hidden from her.

You were a Persona user.

You didn't think that you would ever tell her. Why would you? That was all in the past. There was no need for you to use your persona anymore anyways, and it's not like you could even summon it if you wanted to. You could only summon it when you were inside the TV world, which was gone now that you and your friends defeated Izanami. Besides, if you told Makoto, she wouldn't even believe you. Who would? Summoning Personas and fighting Shadows was the sort of thing that happened in anime and video games, not real life. You didn't see a point in telling her about it.

You were at your apartment, sitting on the couch in the living room. Your cat was sitting on your lap, and you were gently petting him as you stared out the window. It was nearly midnight, and a storm raged outside. It was the poor weather that was making you think of the Midnight Channel again. You missed high school in a way. The stress that came with having to fight Shadows certainly wasn't fun, but you missed being able to hang out with your friends every day. Now, you didn't get to see them as much as you wanted to.

"This weather is really bad." Makoto commented as she walked into the room, a cup of hot chocolate in hand. "It's been like this for days, hopefully it'll ease up soon."


Seeing Makoto, your cat leapt out of your lap and ran over to her. The cat darted between Makoto's legs as she was walking, causing the girl to stumble.

"A-Ah! What the-!?"

You were so focused on watching the rain outside that you hadn't been paying much attention, but when Makoto cried out, you immediately turned to her.

Makoto's arm had been sucked into the TV. Her cup of hot chocolate had been dropped onto the floor and she was using her free hand to try to pull out the arm in the TV.

"It's not coming out! What's going on?" She said, desperately trying to pull away. As soon as she was done saying that, her body jerked and she was pulled into the TV. She was gone, just like that. It all happened so quickly, it took you a few moments to comprehend what had just happened.

"M-Makoto?" You sprung from your seat and rushed to the spot where she was standing just moments before. You stared at the TV, your mind racing. Makoto just entered the TV, no, she was pulled into it. That shouldn't have been possible. You got rid of the TV world, there shouldn't be anything in the TV world that could have done that. She shouldn't have been able to put her arm inside the TV in the first place.

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