Mitsuru | Stay

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2:00 am.

You were trying to sleep, but found yourself unable to. You were exhausted from tonight's earlier activities, but each time you closed your eyes in an attempt to fall asleep you found yourself opening them up again and staring up at your ceiling.

You couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier. Ikutsuki, the SEES adviser who everyone in your group trusted, turned out to be a traitor. He was always so friendly and polite, and loved to crack bad puns and jokes that caused everyone to groan and roll their eyes. You never thought that that was nothing but a facade, and that he was going to turn on you.

Your group managed to get out of that situation mostly unscathed, but not everyone was so lucky. Mitsuru's father was shot, and he did not make it. His death hit the group hard, it was so sudden and unexpected. Earlier that same day he was celebrating the defeat of the Shadows with you, and now he was gone, just like that...

Most of all, you couldn't stop thinking of Mitsuru. You were worried for her. Mitsuru really cared for her father, and it was never easy to lose a parent.

You rolled onto your side and stared at the clock sitting on your nightstand. It was very late, and the SEES members usually went straight to sleep once the Dark Hour passed. Part of you wanted to go check on Mitsuru. It pained you to know that she was suffering, and you wanted to make sure she was okay.

You slowly rose from your bed, and started to have second thoughts. Was she even awake right now? What if she wanted to be alone? You didn't want to upset her.

Making up your mind, you got out of bed and left your room. The dorm was dark, and eerily quiet.

You stopped in front of the door to Mitsuru's room and gently knocked.

"Mitsuru?" You quietly called out.

You waited for a couple moments in silence, ears straining to pick up any sounds from inside the room.

Just as you were about to walk away, the door cracked open.

Mitsuru's face appeared in the doorway, her expression solemn. She was still in her school uniform. Her eyes were red and puffy, likely from crying.

"[Y/N]...? What are you doing here?"

"Sorry to bother you...I just wanted to check on you..."

"I appreciate the concern, [Y/N], but I'm...I'm fine. It's late, you should go back to bed."

"Are you sure?"

Mitsuru paused, watching you wearily.

"...Do you want to come in?" She asked, dropping her gaze.

"If that's okay with you."

Mitsuru nodded and stepped back, opening the door for you to come in. You stepped into her room and couldn't help but to stare at the furniture. You've been into her room several times, but you were so used to your own bedroom that you always forgot how lavishly furnished Mitsuru's room was. Yukari often commented that it looked more like a lounge than a bedroom.

The two of you sat on one of the couches. Mitsuru stared at the floor, not meeting you gaze. You watched her silently, wondering if she was going to say anything, or if you should speak up first.

"What happened tonight...was my fault." She said quietly.

"What? What do you mean?" You said, brow furrowing.

"I should have never trusted Ikutsuki. If I had been more careful, then this never would have happened."

"What? Mitsuru, don't say that...You couldn't have known that Ikutsuki was going to do this. None of us thought he would. You shouldn't blame yourself for this."

"No, stop it." Mitsuru shook her head, turning her head slightly to look you in the eyes. "As the leader of SEES, it is my responsibility to keep you all safe. We could've all been killed tonight. It was foolish of me to blindly trust Ikutsuki. If I had been more skeptical of him...I may not have fallen into his trap. I might have noticed that something was wrong...that he shouldn't be trusted. If I had noticed any of father would still be here right now."

Tears began to well up in her eyes, her voice becoming shaky. "It is because of the Kirijo Group that the Dark Hour exists in the first place. It is my duty to carry out my father's wishes and fight to put an end to the Dark Hour. I vowed to myself that I would restore the Kirijo family's honor and keep my father safe...and yet...I've failed..."

Unable to hold back her tears, she began to sob. She turned away from you, her gaze returning to the floor.

You didn't know what to say at first. Mitsuru was a mature and proud girl who always appeared strong, no matter the situation. It was rare to see her vulnerable like this. You gently place a hand on her arm.


"I...I apologize." She said, attempting to wipe away her tears, but they kept on coming. "I didn't mean to bother you with all this, it just all came out..."

"Don't even worry about it." You said. "Mitsuru...please don't think that what happened tonight was your fault. The only person that is to blame here is Ikutsuki. I am so sorry about what happened to your father, and I'm sorry that you have to go through all this. If you ever need someone to talk to, I will always be here for you."

Mitsuru didn't talk for a few moments. She sobbed quietly while you watched on.

"Can you...can you stay with me tonight? I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize, it's okay." You said gently. "Of course I can stay with you. I'll be by your side for as long as you need me."

"T-Thank you..."

Mitsuru leaned into you, resting her face against your shoulder. You wrap your arms around her and pull her close. You didn't like seeing her like this. You wanted her to be happy again. You wished you could go back and prevent her father's death, but there was nothing you could do about it now. All you could do was embrace and comfort her as she cried. You run your fingers through her hair and speak to her in a soothing tone.

Eventually, the crying tires her out and she falls asleep in your arms. You carefully pick her up, trying not to wake her as you walk over to her bed. You gently lay her on the bed and then settle down beside her. You gently move her bangs out of the way, watching her sleeping face for a few moments before closing your eyes.

These next few months were going to be tough, especially for Mitsuru. The future seemed bleak, but you didn't want to give up hope just yet. The Shadows, the Dark Hour, and the people involved has caused the suffering of many, and unless it was stopped, more and more people were going to continue to suffer. There had to be some way to stop the Dark Hour, and you were determined more than ever to find it.

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