We walked side by side and I felt the urge to hold his hand.

Stop it, Bea. You're acting like a lovesick teenager.

"Family style, ok?" Michael asked as he opened the door for us.

We were immediately greeted by a man behind the counter before I could respond, yes.

"Table for two?"

"No, thank you. Take-away, please. Can we see a menu?"

The man nodded and handed Michael a paper menu. Michael stepped to the side so we weren't in the way and I leaned over to look at it with him.

"Sorry, I didn't catch what you said. Family style is okay?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah, of course," I nodded.

"Okay, you pick two and I'll pick one. Plus white rice."

I nodded and looked over the menu. There were so many dishes and I honestly didn't have the patience to read through it all.

"Orange chicken and broccoli beef," I said hoping those were menu items.

Every Chinese restaurant has those right?

"Okay, and I pick vegetable lo mien."

He folded the menu and waited for the couple who had just entered to be seated. Once they left he approached the counter and placed our order.

"Fifteen minutes, ok? That'll be $37.98. Cash or card?"

"Cash," Michael said flipping open his wallet and handing the man two twenty-dollar bills.

I took a seat on the bench by the door while he received his change. He turned around and smiled widely as he walked towards me.

He is so cute. And so out of my league. I can't believe he likes me.

"So, what does T-V-B stand for?" He asked while we waited.

"Oh, it stands for ti voglio bene. Which basically means I love you."

"Oh okay, that's cool. What do you mean basically?"

I chuckled realizing that does sound weird to say.

"Well technically, the literal translation means I want you well or I guess I want you to be well. But saying TVB is like saying love you, or love ya, and you can use it with friends or family. The literal translation of I love you is ti amo. But that's not something you really say unless it's like I LOVE YOU, and you're expressing it to a significant other." I explained emphasizing the I love you dramatically.

"Oh okay. So kind of based on formality then?"

"Yeah, I'd say ti amo is something more physical, whereas TVB is more feelings. But in Southern Italy, where my mom is from, they use ti amo and ti voglio bene interchangeably...I think the English language just really throws the words I love you around a lot."

"Order for Michael," a young woman called from behind the counter.

Michael grabbed the food and I followed him back out to the car.

"Yeah, I get that," Mikey said continuing the conversation as he put the food in the back seat, "I think the word love is used pretty carelessly today."

"Agreed," I stated as I buckled my seat belt.

Michael started the car and reversed out of the parking spot giving me a close look at his eyebrow piercing as he leaned around my seat.

"What made you get your eyebrow pierced?"

"Rebellion," Mikey said nonchalantly.

"Did it hurt?" I asked scrunching my face imagining the pain.

"Uh, I honestly don't remember. I got it when I was like 14. I've been thinking about removing it though."

"I dunno I kind of like it. I mean I've only just met you, but it'd be strange to see you without it."

"Yeah, I hardly notice it now, but it'll be weird for a bit when I take it out."

I watched as we left the shopping area and turned down a residential street. I tried to keep track of the streets, but being almost 8 pm made it hard to see the signs. Oh well, I'll just share my location with my mom when we get to his house.

"When do you think you'll move out of your parents' house?" He asked catching me off guard with the sudden change in topic.

"Um, I don't know. I need to find a job that isn't my parents' work, and then save up money to move out. I want my own space, but I honestly don't mind. After what happened with my roommates at college, I'm perfectly happy living at home until I can afford a place on my own."

"What happened with your roommates?"

"Its a long story, but to put it simply, we had a falling out and they left me to clean up there messes."

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "Yeah, I feel you on the sharing space. I was actually meant to move in with Ashton, one of my best friends, but he didn't end up getting the job down here."

"That's one of the guys that was at the coffee shop right," I asked remembering the group of three boys.

"Yeah, Ashton, Luke, and Calum. Calum moved down here when I did to help me get settled and open the coffee shop. And he recently just got a job and his own apartment."

"Nice, where at?"

"He's working for the police department as a clerk until he can apply for the academy."

"Wow, police. That's a difficult job. What about Luke and Ashton?"

"Ashton works for the city of LA as a project manager for recreational programs. Like sports and educational summer programs. And Luke just finished up his teaching certificate."

"Wow, sounds like you've got a good group of friends. You all really seem to have your lives together," I sighed thinking about how I was twenty-four, still living at home, and didn't even have a career plan.

"Trust me, it hasn't always been," he said seriously as he slowed down and pulled into what I assumed was his driveway.

"We're here!" He said cheerfully, quickly changing his mood and unbuckling his seat belt and turning off the car.

I internally screamed with nervous excitement as I exited the car.

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